I was able to reinstall without losing anything.
(after uninstalling from the .bundle I had from the last time I installed, I did the following)
- Code:
user@system:~/Downloads$ sudo ./VMware-Player-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle --help
[sudo] password for user:
Extracting VMware Installer...done.
Usage: vmware-installer [options]
VMware Installer
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Install or uninstall products
-i FILE, --install-bundle=FILE
Install bundle from FILE
Install a component
Force uninstallation of a component
-u NAME, --uninstall-product=NAME
Uninstall a product
-r, --resolve-system
Force the system to resolve the current state
--register-file=COMPONENT_NAME (config|regular) FILE
Register a file in the database
-x DIR, --extract=DIR
Extract the contents of the bundle into DIR
-p DIR, --prefix=DIR
Set a custom install location
Look up information on installed products
-l, --list-products
List installed products
-t, --list-components
List the installed components
List files for a given component
-S FILE, --find-file=FILE
List components and files matching the given pattern
Set and retrieve settings
Get setting
Set setting
-d COMPONENT KEY, --delete-setting=COMPONENT KEY
Delete setting
--gtk Use the Gtk+ UI (Default)
--console Use the console UI
--custom Allow customization of the install, including file
--regular Displays questions that have no good defaults
--required Displays only questions absolutely required
-I, --ignore-errors
Ignore component script errors
--eulas-agreed Agree to the EULA
user@system:~/Downloads$ sudo ./VMware-Player-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle --console --eulas-agreed
Extracting VMware Installer...done.
Would you like to check for product updates on startup? [yes]:
VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP") provides
VMware with information that enables VMware to improve its products
and services, to fix problems, and to advise you on how best to deploy
and use our products. As part of the CEIP, VMware collects technical
information about your organization's use of VMware products and
services on a regular basis in association with your organization's
VMware license key(s). This information does not personally identify
any individual. Additional information regarding the data collected
through CEIP and the purposes for which it is used by VMware is set
forth in the Trust & Assurance Center at
http://www.vmware.com/trustvmware/ceip.html. Join the VMware Customer
Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP")? If you prefer not to
participate in VMware's CEIP for this product, you should select "No"
below. You may join or leave VMware's CEIP for this product at any
time. [yes]:
Enter license key. (optional) You can enter this information later.:
The product is ready to be installed. Press Enter to begin
installation or Ctrl-C to cancel.
Installing VMware Player 14.1.1
[######################################################################] 100%
Installation was successful.
After this it VMware was added to my menu
Zorin > System Tools > VMWare Player
After I completed the reinstall/install I needed to say it was for personal use (as it is in my case)
But then it detected and loaded any VM's I had (I didn't even know I had any, but it found them!)
After this I went ahead and changed some VMWARE settings and made sure all the fun addons are installed.
I clicked on the "Download All Components Now" Option (The screenshot messed up so I'm not posting it here) But it had a list of addons and required my password for each one, but only took a few minutes for these installs to get completed.
Then the VM I didn't know I had was up and running fine!