Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:17:14 pm
I don't know if anyone can help but I have the premium version of Zorin and I set the appearance to match how Ubuntu used to be while it had the Unity Desktop. I had a fix saved in a notepad item in my home folder that would disable the trackpad on my laptop but just lately it's stopped working. I searched online and someone was advising someone else to download the keyboard and mouse application for Gnome.
I did this and now today my desktop has been replaced with Cinnamon, and the Zorin Appearance application won't load. I'm figuring on doing a reinstall of the 12.2 I paid for to try and get back to how I had it but wondered if there was an easier way.
This might sound a bit petty but I have autism and had to give up on Ubuntu as it was getting more and more demanding on my processor, but as I was used to the way it worked I purposefully bought the premium version so I could get Zorin to look as close to it as possible and I hate the desktop I now have
I don't know if anyone can help but I have the premium version of Zorin and I set the appearance to match how Ubuntu used to be while it had the Unity Desktop. I had a fix saved in a notepad item in my home folder that would disable the trackpad on my laptop but just lately it's stopped working. I searched online and someone was advising someone else to download the keyboard and mouse application for Gnome.
I did this and now today my desktop has been replaced with Cinnamon, and the Zorin Appearance application won't load. I'm figuring on doing a reinstall of the 12.2 I paid for to try and get back to how I had it but wondered if there was an easier way.
This might sound a bit petty but I have autism and had to give up on Ubuntu as it was getting more and more demanding on my processor, but as I was used to the way it worked I purposefully bought the premium version so I could get Zorin to look as close to it as possible and I hate the desktop I now have