Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:14:14 pm
First of all, congratulations, not only to the developers of this great OS, but also to all the comunity that supports it!
We are using Zorin for Students in Schools, and we are getting crazy trying to find the way of "making dissapear" both Buttons in the Dash Menu (Logout and Lock). If it is not possible, at least would be nice if, once pressed, they do nothing.
Thanks a lot in advice!
First of all, congratulations, not only to the developers of this great OS, but also to all the comunity that supports it!
We are using Zorin for Students in Schools, and we are getting crazy trying to find the way of "making dissapear" both Buttons in the Dash Menu (Logout and Lock). If it is not possible, at least would be nice if, once pressed, they do nothing.
Thanks a lot in advice!