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Instructions for adding a corporate user using realm + sssd


Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:58:39 pm

Good day. A couple of days I use this wonderful, intuitive distribution, which has already managed to please me. I am testing the possibility of using a domain account from a Windows Server AD and some difficulties have arisen, but oddly enough, they do not cause discomfort such as Linux Mint or CentOS. When adding a corporate user, it is not completely clear what authorization data to enter, the domain administrator or the end user. For the first time, the absence of some libraries was consonant with the quality check of the realm password. Sssd logs say that there is no configuration file. What are the suggestions? Can someone suggest?


Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:22:30 pm


Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:24:57 am

Thanks for the reply, but this is not a convenient solution. Likewise-Open is a dead project, and editing configuration files always introduces errors and is not convenient for bulk operations.
The regular graphic tool interests



Tue Mar 05, 2019 7:59:05 pm

Apologies. This seems superior to either of my last suggestions - put it down to a bad search query on my part - it's all in the phrasing! ;) ... a-winbind/


Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:29:25 pm

Thanks for the link, but this is all a console, only more detailed and clearly with more proven add-ons.
Why did I choose this distribution? Because it was noticed stately graphic ability to add a corporate (domain) user. It’s not a problem to add one or two machines through the console, and if you need to do this almost every day, it’s a big haemorrhoid. Likewise was decisive, but I can not find alternatives. There are options? Enter the domain name, username and password of the domain administrator and all, as well as it is done in Windows.


Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:37:29 pm