Finding how to delete your account on much of social media is a hassle, actually.
The Zorin Team did make a decision, at some point in the past, to go with this bulletin board software, layout and such. But they did not write the software for it.
I really do not understand this line:
I think fewer people would be wanting to leave if concerns were addressed and the progress wasn't so obfuscated by the current poor results :/
You are the second person I have ever seen ask this question. I would hardly say that people are leaving in droves.
I agree that the forum could use more moderators. I agree it could use more contributors who answer questions.
But we cannot act like the forum lacks addressing concerns. You have a grand total of 11 posts. I have never seen you answer a question. Or help anyone understand something. You have barely posted anything and everything you have posted has gotten a helpful response.
I agree completely with your voice being heard to focus on what you dislike about the distro and where you think it needs improvement. I agree that you must point out what you find wrong about the Ubuntu/Gnome/Canonincal direction. I wish more people would. But I cannot agree that this forum has left you hanging.
Let's take this a bit piece by piece:
Zorin, currently, is based off Ubuntu. Ubuntu is Gnome Heavy.
Gnome has changed directions in recent years. It has removed a great deal of customization, user friendliness and removed useful features. Gnome did so in order to exert greater control over how Gnome is managed and to limit user contributions to it- this is deliberate- and in so doing are becoming far more like Microsoft.
Is Gnome at fault for this behavior? Absolutely.
But the problem is so are the users. Users are lazy. They are not willing to learn how to use the system they installed on their computer or to learn the language it speaks.
They want Plug N' Play. They don't care how it works, they just want it to work.
This is the result of that mentality. Gnome took more of the control because we, as a crowd, willingly gave it up.
In this we find a sharp divide between those that want control and those who don't. Those who don't, those who don't care, those who want a Free Operating System that automatically does whatever they want it to do, problem free, with no contribution from themselves are In The Majority.
If you do not like this trend, jcartner-young, then your only options are to cave in and go with the majority ---or to step up and do something about it. Deleting your account on some forum will not impress anyone. And before you cry foul:
I have been. I have been learning the language, offering resistance (By putting up products for free that resist the Gnome user interface) and a few months back, I began building the core of a distro of my own that is SystemD free. As in, it does not use systemD. In this, I must learn a lot mroe as well as- I must make a lot of decisions. Will this or that decision be the right one? When completed, will I offer this distro that I put months or maybe years into making up for free for others to use? If I do, will I have to deeal with them complaining that I didn't make it do what THEY want it to do? Will they complain that it makes them do too much work and they want it more automagical?
If I do this, how will I fund it?
Funding for ongoing and large projects is a major problem. To get it, you must hit the numbers and that means going with the majority. And we just covered what the majority is, above. Which means people like us, fall to the back and the cycle repeats.
Which brings us back to Zorin. As an ongoing large project, Zorin has had to choose what base to use in order to hit the numbers. And Zorin 15 has Excellent reviews. I do mean: Excellent. The majority loves it.
Where is this going- I dunno... I agree with you that the popularity of this type of Loss of Control and usability May Be Short lived and ultimately, spell the demise of these alternate Operating Systems. And Microsoft may well sense it, too. They are now Burrowing heavily into us, trying to meld the two together. I keep finding more and more distressing articles on this and.... the lazy majority goes along with it. Complacent and happy. As always since the dawn of the human age.