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Installed programs missing


Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:41:52 am

I've installed TeamViewer and OpenOffice. At least the OS said I did but I can't find either application.
I open the [SOFTWARE] window and search but neither are there.


Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:29:29 pm

Expat47 wrote:I've installed TeamViewer and OpenOffice. At least the OS said I did but I can't find either application.
I open the [SOFTWARE] window and search but neither are there.

Could you please hit alt+F2 and type in the program names and see if they show up?
If not, the installation may have failed.


Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:45:17 pm

You also do realise don't you that using Team Viewer is a bad move. I used it just once to help a colleague's relative at work to install an AV remotely on their Windows 8 Notebook. Then the 'spam' emails never stopped arriving, asking for me to purchase the latest version! :roll:


Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:49:40 am

Swarfendor437 wrote:You also do realise don't you that using Team Viewer is a bad move. I used it just once to help a colleague's relative at work to install an AV remotely on their Windows 8 Notebook. Then the 'spam' emails never stopped arriving, asking for me to purchase the latest version! :roll:

I've used TV for years and have NEVER gotten more than a single screen upon exiting. I do, rarely, get messages from time to time but they're all about updating, and changes to EULA, etc. I even "Like"d them on FB with no ill effects.

Anyhow, your answer was a bit off topic but thanks for the thought.


Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:01:01 am

Aravisian wrote:
Expat47 wrote:I've installed TeamViewer and OpenOffice. At least the OS said I did but I can't find either application.
I open the [SOFTWARE] window and search but neither are there.

Could you please hit alt+F2 and type in the program names and see if they show up?
If not, the installation may have failed.

I'm getting a negative response to that trick but as I'm not sure of the program's "name" it's not conclusive.

I'm "new" to Linux and have only played around with another distro for a short while. Zorin is totally new and seems to be blocking the user from full control and/or access to the drive. So... I'll go play some more and see if I can figure this puzzle out. No rush as my laptop is my travelling machine and lives most of it's life in the closet.

Thanks again.


Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:37:54 am

Expat47 wrote:I'm getting a negative response to that trick but as I'm not sure of the program's "name" it's not conclusive.

Sounds like the install did not go through.

Expat47 wrote: Zorin is totally new and seems to be blocking the user from full control and/or access to the drive.

I can assure you that you are not blocked by the Zorin O.S. in any way. It may seem that way at the moment; We need to figure out what is giving you that impression. I can tell you right away, most people moving over from Windows carry the suspicion of micromanagement from the OS with them. I know I did.

Let's first, see if we can help you get your software installed.
Hit ctrl+alt+t to open your terminal (Or you can select it from the Zorin app menu)
Installation for Zorin 15:
Paste into your terminal, one at a time, the following commands, hitting enter after each pasted entry
To install Teamviewer (Which I have also used on MS Windsnot)

sudo apt-key add TeamViewer2017.asc

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teamviewer.list'

sudo apt update

sudo apt install teamviewer

Teamviewer should now be installed. :)

Now, let's grab OpenOffice:
First, you must install JRE Java:
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Next, you must uninstall LibreOffice
sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*

sudo apt-get autoremove

sudo apt clean

Install OpenOffice

After download is complete
tar xvf Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz

cd en-US/DEBS

sudo dpkg -i  *.deb

cd desktop-integration/

sudo dpkg -i *deb

Once complete, you can launch from your Zorin App Menu, from alt+F2 or from the terminal. I hope this helps.

That said, you may want to use a Package Manger.
In terminal, you can install Synaptic Package Manager for downloading and installing software. There is a learning curve, but once you know how to use it, it is awesome. The first time you use it, it will scare you. :|
sudo apt-get install synaptic

That's it.
In the meantime, using the Software Channel you see on the right side of your Zorin App Menu should handle most of your other needs.