Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:40:52 pm
cometí muchos errores de novato y ahora no se como salir de este enredo.
Instalé Zorin junto a Windows XP, todo funcionaba bien hasta que trate de conectarme a internet y wifi no conectaba.
desconecte el network manager y nunca más lo pude echar a andar, etonces tuve la genial idea de re instalar zorin.
El problema es que ya no funciona el menu dual, solo me muestra zorin y tampoco puedo acceder a los datos que tienen la particion con Windows XP.
No se como arreglar esto.
Por favor alguien que me ayude..y me explique con peras y manzanas.
I made a lot of rookie mistakes and now I don't know how to get out of this mess.
I installed Zorin with Windows XP, everything worked fine until I tried to connect to the internet and Wi-Fi did not connect.
I disconnected the network manager and I could never get it going again, so I had the great idea of re-installing Zorin.
The problem is that the dual menu no longer works, it only shows me zorin and I can't access the data that has the partition with Windows XP.
I don't know how to fix this.
Please someone to help me ... and explain me with pears and apples.
Thank you.
cometí muchos errores de novato y ahora no se como salir de este enredo.
Instalé Zorin junto a Windows XP, todo funcionaba bien hasta que trate de conectarme a internet y wifi no conectaba.
desconecte el network manager y nunca más lo pude echar a andar, etonces tuve la genial idea de re instalar zorin.
El problema es que ya no funciona el menu dual, solo me muestra zorin y tampoco puedo acceder a los datos que tienen la particion con Windows XP.
No se como arreglar esto.
Por favor alguien que me ayude..y me explique con peras y manzanas.
I made a lot of rookie mistakes and now I don't know how to get out of this mess.
I installed Zorin with Windows XP, everything worked fine until I tried to connect to the internet and Wi-Fi did not connect.
I disconnected the network manager and I could never get it going again, so I had the great idea of re-installing Zorin.
The problem is that the dual menu no longer works, it only shows me zorin and I can't access the data that has the partition with Windows XP.
I don't know how to fix this.
Please someone to help me ... and explain me with pears and apples.
Thank you.