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system folder and super user?


Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:47:00 pm

Hi I am coming from windows 10 and I need your help.
I have one file that I need to copy over to the root system folder.
I copy and then try to paste it there but nothing happens.
I read somewhere I need to superuser so how can I do this?
I am on Zorin OS 15.1 Ultimate.
Can some help me?


Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:50:08 pm

Yes, you can open the file manager with SuperUser privileges by opening a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and entering in
-If you are using Zorin Ultimate or Zorin Core:
pkexec nautilus

--If you are using Zorin Lite:
pkexec thunar

Enter your password and a new file manager GUI window will open with a notice under the toolbar warning that you are using root permissions. It behaves otherwise, normally. You can drag and drop, etc.

The pkexec command replaced the older gksu or gksudo command used in previous versions. The gksudo application was shown to have a security flaw and was removed beginning in Ubuntu 18.04 (about).


Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:14:45 am

If a specific folder in root partition use this command - I'm going to use truetype folder in fonts folder as an example:

cd ..
cd usr
cd share
cd fonts
sudo chown [yourusername here] truetype

You will then be asked for your login password.

Next using Nautilus/Thunar browse to truetype and copy and paste any downloaded font you want in there. ;) :D


Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:05:49 pm

Thank You. You may close this thread. I think it wise to add this code to the main site so others can use it without having to open support ticket. Mbee in few sections and called " How To Open Super User". I thank you for your help.