for Robbi.
Zaba, yours seems to be mostly Postfix and Network Manager...
And for me, it has been Snapd.
Why couldn't it be simple with One Glaring Similar Process?
The most recent update from Zorin also brought a release of a newer kernel. I wonder if it is the ultimate culprit?
Honestly, my boot time does not bother me. It is around a minute or so and considering that beats Win10 by about 2 minutes...
For those of you that want faster, here are some tricks you can try off the top of my head:
Place "noresume" in the grub default:
- Code:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash noresume"
While in there, you may change the boot timeout to a shorter time, as well:
(Mine is set to 10)
You may need to clean up and reduce ROOT space
- Code:
sudo apt clean
- Code:
sudo apt-get autoremove
You can check your startup programs and see if anything does not need to start up (using either the gui in app menu or the prompt
- Code:
service --status-all
For me, blueman could be brutally murdered.
You can check your RAM for errors or if you are running out of space quickly. If running out of spaceand not using an SSD, you may consider creating a larger swap file.
I had to look this one up as how to do was NOT off the top of my head: recommend using a program called "preload." I have never tried it and cannot vouch for it and it would take some time for preload to start to show its work. Preload analyzes your behavior and then configures your start up based on your actual use. Not somethign I personally care about...
- Code:
sudo apt-get install preload
If you are a big spender, you could buy an SSD to replace your HDD with. This would require reinstallation of your O.S...
Lastly: Startup times can vary over time, depending on how much clutter has built up on a machine, how much software has been installed (and removed and reinstalled...) and it can vary by the kernel and network, too. Since most start up with the network, network errors can cause a slower boot. Sometimes the simplest solution is patience. A next kernel may fix it.