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Weak looking text

Baz P

Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:39:40 pm

Loaded Zorin OS last week and, so far seems to be working OK apart from interminable wait sometimes when swapping between programs which I assume is something to do with the way I've set it up but perhaps I'll come back to that on another occasion. Typically screen is greyed out for minutes at a time.

My current query is about text which looks pretty weedy...thin looking if you know what I mean particularly but not exclusively on Opera webpages. Scrolling is jerky as well and the cursor seems to have a mind of it's own seemingly moving when it feels like it!

Any ideas of how to solve these anomalies which are more irritating than being a big problem?

Thanks in anticipation of your help.


Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:51:06 pm

It sounds like you need to get the latest drivers for your graphics card.

First of all try the below:
Have you updated fully your system after installation? Running dpkg at boot would be also nice (after plugging an ethernet cable so as to get internet).

If yes, go to additional drivers to check if there is a recomended driver available to be enabled and try it.

If this does not help, open terminal and post the results of
to see what is your graphics card.