dilyxiana wrote:How do I change my default adobe program, so the items open Adobe reader and not Adobe Photoshop? I know how to change the defaults so that items that are saved on my computer open in Adobe Reader vs Photoshop. I also know how to right click and openwith reader over an another adobe program. However, when trying to open some items in links/hyperlinks that are PDFs, my computer still opens them in photoshop. The default setting on my computer for PDFs, listed in the folder options, is set to open in Adobe Reader.
You raise two separate issues here:
1. default setting in Zorin itself;
2. default setting for plug-in to use in the browser on a web page.
For the first one, that's easy, you do the following:
1. Find a file of the type you want to open and right click on it;
2. Select 'Open with' from the sub-window menu list,
3. Go to the bottom of the new sub-window menu list and select 'other,'
4. This opens a new window for you to browse and select a program, before doing that go to the bottom of this window and click on the box beside 'Remember application association for this type of file' - this should then show a tick in the box,
5. Use the browse function to find the program you want it to associate with in future and select it, then select and click on the 'OK' button
6. Wait a moment while the system updates the settings and all is done.
NB: This will only work for files open within the Zorin system but not the browser plug-ins opened as hotlinks in web pages.
To change the second type will depend on the browser you're using, but for most its a setting in the 'Preferences' of the browser.
For Firefox you go:
1. Open the Firefox browser,
2. Select 'Edit' on the menu bar,
3. Select 'Preferences' from the bottom of that menu, and this opens a window,
4. Select the 'Applications' icon and wait for the window to populate,
5. Scroll down the list to find the type of file you want to change and highlight it,
6. Click on the up down arrows on the right of the now highlighted part in the 'Action' column, this will open a sub-window,
7. If the program you want to use shows in the list, select it, if it doesn't use item 'Use other' to browse the system and select the program you want to use,
8. Back out clicking on the relevant 'OK' and or 'Apply' or 'Close' buttons as they appear.
The above may change a little between versions of Firefox and will be very similar in most other browsers, but may be a little different.
Hope this helps you,