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Moving a File to Different Folder


Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:18:12 pm

Hi. I'm new to Linux, and a couple of weeks ago I purchased Zorin 6 Ultimate. I had previously tried to go with Debian, but it seemed like I had to be some sort of programmer just to use it. Zorin really has a great look and feel.

At any rate, I saw that there was an option in Gnome Menu to download additional start menu buttons, so I decided to do so. The problem is that I apparently don't have permission to move the file from where I downloaded it to where it needs to be.

I made a link in my "pictures" folder and extracted my new file there.

The "read me" file says:

To use this Gnomenu Button theme, simply extract the .zip, and then copy it to /usr/share/gnomenu/Themes/Button/
then right-click your gnomenu button, select Properties, then select the TuxOrb button.

So, I attempted to do all that, however, when I right click on the folder and select "copy" and then go to the specified location (/usr/share/gnomenu/Themes/Button/) there is no option to paste (it's grayed out). I can copy the folder to my desktop, but when I attempt to drag the folder to the required location, I receive an error message and the details indicate that permission is denied to move the folder there.

Why do I not have permission to move it? How do I get permission? How do I complete the simple task of getting my file to the required location?


Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:48:35 pm

Since you are new to linux I will tell you how to do it the easy way (the gui way).

Open terminal and write
gksudo nautilus

hit <enter> and write your password. (Note: your password will not be visible but it will be written).

The nautilus will open and you will have full administrative rights to copy and paste whatever you want where-ever you want.


Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:53:51 pm

And just for the record, the terminal way would be like this.

Lets say that the file you want to copy is named "MarkAlen" and is located in your Downloads folder.
You must use the "sudo" command which gives you administrative rights.

You open terminal and you write
sudo cp home/yourusername/Downloads/MarkAlen /usr/share/gnomenu/Themes/Button/

or you could first navigate to your Downloads folder
cd /home/yourusername/Downloads

and then
sudo cp MarkAlen /usr/share/gnomenu/Themes/Button/


Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:00:25 pm

Thanks. I was able to copy the file to the location I needed.

Your solution was reminiscent of the "programming" I referred to in my original post where I referenced Debian. I guess Linux requires a little more than Windows, but I am willing to invest some time into learning Linux just to be away from Windows.

Unfortunately, even though I moved my file, when I switch my preferences in the menu changer, my new button is available for selection, however, the menu applet crashes every time I make a change, and when I restart it the "Z" button is displayed, even though the new button is displayed under preferences.

Do you know what might be causing this particular problem?


Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:49:30 pm

just as a further tip HERE is something I found today to give you a shortcut to open Nautilus as root. Saves having to use the command line every time you need to edit a file where you don't have the correct permissions.


Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:12:26 pm

The shortcut is in system tools menu and you are asked for your password before it will open so it is not like Windows. Like I said in my post, it saves having to enter the command line every time. I have found since installing Zorin I have needed to edit or replace a few files after updating the system as per the instructions on this forum and this helped speed things up for me after each reboot.

If anybody wants to get root permissions they type a command in Terminal and lo & behold they can do what they like. The instructions are out there for all to find. Its up to the user to be sure this is what they want to do, as long as that user is prepared to face the consequences of any mistakes they may make. I was just showing a way of speeding things up a bit. As you can see that is also out there for anybody to use. Its all about common sense.

If you're unsure don't do it.


Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:26:23 pm

Ah OK. I just prefer to use a shortcut if there is one. In Debian there is a Root Terminal shortcut so as I see it making a shortcut for Root Nautilus is no problem.


Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:38:44 pm

swarfendor437 wrote:Or you could live dangerously like a Windows user and promote your 'user' status to 'Administrator' - then you can do whatever you like!

That's what I would have thought.

My user status is administrator, however, I was still not allowed to move the files without using the terminal and Nautilis.