Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:43:44 am
Hello Everyone...
How To Install PeerGuardian 2.0
Had had big problems trying to upload Peer Guardian 2 for Linux...
I tried various pages from Ubuntu, but none of them worked for me...
I have come over from Linux Mint Community, cos I like Zorin alot, but this tutorial is from the Mint Community, so I should give the credit to them for this ace infomation.
I have not tried this method of Install on Zorin 5.2 or Zorin 6...
When someone comes up with a decent Vista or Windows Seven theme that I can upload to Zorin that's easy to Install I might upgrade... to 5 or 6
by Vincent Vermeulen (from Linux Mint help Forum) on Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:05 pm
link ... 88#p539688
You can easily install Peer Guardian Linux on Linux Mint. This allows you to add various blocklists.
To install it, run the following commands. After you acknowledge you want to install the software in the last command, it will also ask you (on a bluish text screen IIRC) if you want to automatically start it. Answer <NO> to that question! First you'll have to configure it some more
Code: Select all
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jre-phoenix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pgld pglcmd pgl-gui
After it is installed, run pgl-gui (find it in the menu). It will first give you some errors, so go to Options -> Settings, and change "Sudo front-end" to /usr/bin/gksu. It should no longer give errors. In the main window of pgl-gui go to the second tab, to configure the blocklists. Scroll down to the end and disable the following blocklists (else you won't be able to access the internet yourself):
Close pgl-gui, and run:
Code: Select all
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force pglcmd
Now answer <YES> to automatically starting it. Then wait a few minutes as it downloads all the blocklists.
That should be the basic setup. You can review the other blocklists available here: The software used to be called MoBlock, but is renamed to Peer Guardian Linux (pgl) as of late. Homepage is here: All the other documentation you can find on the internet still refers to MoBlock (like the Ubuntu wiki To help with understanding those documentation pages, here are the old package names and the new package names:
moblock, is now pgld
blockcontrol, is now pglcmd
mobloquer, is now pgl-gui
You can configure it easily from the command line also. Configuration should go into the file: /etc/pgl/pglcmd.conf. The default configuration, including documentation of the various configurable items, is in: /usr/lib/pgl/pglcmd.defaults. After making changes to the /etc/pgl/pglcmd.conf file, run the following to activate:
Code: Select all
pglcmd restart
How To Install PeerGuardian 2.0
Had had big problems trying to upload Peer Guardian 2 for Linux...
I tried various pages from Ubuntu, but none of them worked for me...
I have come over from Linux Mint Community, cos I like Zorin alot, but this tutorial is from the Mint Community, so I should give the credit to them for this ace infomation.
I have not tried this method of Install on Zorin 5.2 or Zorin 6...
When someone comes up with a decent Vista or Windows Seven theme that I can upload to Zorin that's easy to Install I might upgrade... to 5 or 6
by Vincent Vermeulen (from Linux Mint help Forum) on Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:05 pm
link ... 88#p539688
You can easily install Peer Guardian Linux on Linux Mint. This allows you to add various blocklists.
To install it, run the following commands. After you acknowledge you want to install the software in the last command, it will also ask you (on a bluish text screen IIRC) if you want to automatically start it. Answer <NO> to that question! First you'll have to configure it some more
Code: Select all
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jre-phoenix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pgld pglcmd pgl-gui
After it is installed, run pgl-gui (find it in the menu). It will first give you some errors, so go to Options -> Settings, and change "Sudo front-end" to /usr/bin/gksu. It should no longer give errors. In the main window of pgl-gui go to the second tab, to configure the blocklists. Scroll down to the end and disable the following blocklists (else you won't be able to access the internet yourself):
Close pgl-gui, and run:
Code: Select all
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force pglcmd
Now answer <YES> to automatically starting it. Then wait a few minutes as it downloads all the blocklists.
That should be the basic setup. You can review the other blocklists available here: The software used to be called MoBlock, but is renamed to Peer Guardian Linux (pgl) as of late. Homepage is here: All the other documentation you can find on the internet still refers to MoBlock (like the Ubuntu wiki To help with understanding those documentation pages, here are the old package names and the new package names:
moblock, is now pgld
blockcontrol, is now pglcmd
mobloquer, is now pgl-gui
You can configure it easily from the command line also. Configuration should go into the file: /etc/pgl/pglcmd.conf. The default configuration, including documentation of the various configurable items, is in: /usr/lib/pgl/pglcmd.defaults. After making changes to the /etc/pgl/pglcmd.conf file, run the following to activate:
Code: Select all
pglcmd restart