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[SOLVED] New to Ubuntu/Linux


Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:03:04 pm

Hello, I just created my forum account today, installed zorin about a week ago and just now getting time to play with it. I was doing something with looks earlier and got off. When I logged back on, however, my 'start' menu (I'm a Windows user for the most part) turned into what looked like the Ubuntu icon. I much preferred the Zorin globe icon (no offense to Ubuntu). I have no idea how to fix it and I've looked and tried for an hour now. Any help?


Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:52:57 pm

Hi Swarf, I am running 6. Yes, I have tried to install themes but have been unsuccessful. BTW, I figured out how to get my zorin icon back. I had downloaded the alien theme that you have (i saw your desktop in one of the forums) but I couldn't figure out how to use it.


Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:00:05 pm

Thanks for the explanation. So far I'm enjoying Zorin. I doubt I'll ever completely be rid of Windows, but this is a good place to do my everyday tasks such as browsing the internet and use Windows for working. The reason I came to Ubuntu/Linux in the first place was because I know that Ubuntu/Linux has little to no threat of viruses. Hopefully it will stay that way.


Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:02:15 pm

Oh, and how do I go about finding GTK3 compliant themes? Any clue?


Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:06:17 pm


see the part that covers themes:


Regards Wolfman :D


Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:36:50 pm

@wolfman: i went through all of the steps in the you gave me and now I'm stuck. I'm having a hard time with actually applying the theme after having it all installed and everything.

@Swarf: I checked out the link provided and I'll definitely use that from here on out. I just need to figure out how to actually make it apply to my desktop. Thanks.


Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:42:53 am

I figured out how to change my desktop (which was my main concern). Not the way I was expecting, but it'll work. How do you attach pics on this site? I'll be happy to share my desktop.


Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:19:26 am


when you open a reply page, if you look down on the bottom left of the pane, it says "Upload Attachment" > "Browse" > "Add File" > "Place Inline".

Regards Wolfman :D


Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:18:18 am

Hi goggz56,

I too am new to both Linux and Zorin OS v6 (2 days now)

In playing around in settings, I also lost the Zorin "start" button in the lower left corner - it was replaced by the orange Ubuntu logo.

Can you please share how you restored it back to the blue Zorin logo? I'm just not seeing how to do it!!

I also went from the default theme (which was just a "blank" choice in the pull down) to the ambiance theme. I now want to go back to the default but I don't have a "blank" choice in the pull down. Have you encountered this situation and would you by chance know how to get back to the default theme.

Thanks in advance


Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:43:55 pm


see "Changing default start button icon" about halfway down this guide:


Regards Wolfman :D


Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:04:42 pm

Thanks for the response Wolfman. I had already tried the steps in the above reference guide with no success. In Button Selection I chose Zorin from the small list of 2 items. I then click OK and YES to the prompt to restart menu. After clicking YES, the START button changes to a frown face and the mouse over says "Whoops! The applet crashed. Click to restart it." I click to restart and the Ubuntu icon reappears as the Start icon. I'm not sure if the applet crash is a normal part of the change process. If it's not, maybe I have a bigger problem and I need to reload Zorin OS v6 from scratch.


Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:36:30 am


have you updated as per this guide:


Regards Wolfman :D


Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:13:25 am

I ended up reinstalling Zorin v6 32bit. The "Z" returned and this also seemed to take care of some minor issues I was experiencing in the Software Update process. While the "Z" is back, for grins I went to preferences and changed the button selection to GnoBlue and that didn't take either. Right now, I have the "Z", so I'm happy.

I would like to add a "Show Desktop" button in the lower left corner of the taskbar. I looked through your guide viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2054 and didn't see any instruction on this. I was able to make some desired changes with the use of that guide, thanks for putting that together.

With that guide I navigated through many of the choices in dconf editor and I did see a Show Desktop option. I checked it, but it didn't seem to do anything. I did a forum search for "show desktop" and looked through quite a few posts but couldn't narrow in on anything.

Any help would be appreciated.


Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:16:21 am


i assume you want the "Show Desktop" button on the bottom panel but you won't get it on the left, but you can have it on the right!1.

Right click the bottom panel > Dock Preferences > Applets > All > Show Desktop > double click or click on the little green arrow to add it.

Did you install the "Applets Package"??.

To install the meta package I was referring to, open a terminal and paste this command:

sudo apt-get install awn-applets-all

Regards Wolfman :D
Awn Settings_048.png


Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:40:16 pm

Hi Swarf,

you will find that you only have the base package of applets most likely, the "Meta Package" installs them all, look in the list via Synaptic and see if they are all installed!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:31:38 pm

Thanks Wolfman,
With your instruction, I was able to add the "Show Desktop" icon in the lower right corner of the bottom panel. I'm happy!

I had already installed the Applets package based on your tutorial. The problem was that I was clicking the "Install Applet" button in the Docking Preferences window. It was not intuitive to me that the down arrow would add the "Show Desktop" icon (I warned that I was new to Zorin & Linux). :?

Again, thanks for the help.


Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:51:16 am

Hi all,

can we mark this thread as solved as both posters have their answers I believe!!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:06:08 am

And greetings to you also swarfendor437

If you're considering me one of the posters - please go ahead and close as solved. I'm confident you'll hear from me again in another post or two or three or... :lol:

Thanks again for your help all.


Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:30:50 am

agm, sorry I never responded, I just got back on the site from focusing on Windows for my school needs. Yesterday I finally got back on Zorin OS and realized that the last time I was on it I had the Ubuntu icon instead of the Z globe. After playing around with it I went to the unbuntu icon, right-clicked, selected preferences, and clicked ok with the Z globe in the icon section. The icon, as usual, had the frowny face and said applet crashed please click....blah blah blah. Well, I restarted it and the Z globe was back. So if you have that issue again, try that.
