Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:00:21 pm
I read that "Canonical has reminded folks that Ubuntu 11.04 will no longer be supported after October 28th, 18 months after its launch " at http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/news/ubuntu- ... d-of-life/
I believe my Zorin Core 5.2 is based on Ubuntu 11.04? Does anyone know what the upgrade path is, or is a clean install of Zorin 6.0 required? If there is an upgrade path could someone give a tutorial or sticky on the path. Any info would be much appreciated.
I believe my Zorin Core 5.2 is based on Ubuntu 11.04? Does anyone know what the upgrade path is, or is a clean install of Zorin 6.0 required? If there is an upgrade path could someone give a tutorial or sticky on the path. Any info would be much appreciated.