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CPU Temp monitor help


Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:15:44 pm

I been trying to find a way to see my cpu temp and fan speed and have had no luck.
Tried psensor and xsensors and it only shows me 1 temp.
When i had winxp aida64 showed me both.
My system specs are: Dell D620 laptop, 1.66ghz core duo, 2gb ram, 60gb hd.

Any help would be muchly appreciated.
I am also a newbie when it comes to linux.


Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:31:48 pm

Hi, and thanks for the welcome.
I got to the install part and then extracted the files to my home dir, but i got stuck on how to do the rest. "then point to the downloaded config file to build the launcher in gnomenu
then after you test to see launcher works you then set as a startup app so it auto runs when you login" could someone explain to me how to do that in a newbie language please lol..


Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:05:00 am


this might be of use to you as it is easier to install: ... buntu.html


Regards Wolfman :D


Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:33:18 am

You can try something very easy.

In terminal:
sudo apt-get install lm-sensors

After the installation, restart.
Then again in terminal
sudo sensors-detect

You answer "yes" to all questions.
Then in terminal
sudo watch -n1 sensors

And this will show you in real time (every second) the changes in the temps of the sensors that have been detected in your PC.

If you then install also psensor, you will get all the sensors (plus the hdd temp sensor) shown in GUI way.