Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:41:50 pm
just wondered if anyone has tried to use zorin on a zoom adsl router - its ancient but its what my parents have at home, which is where I'm stuck for easter revision. I can use the network on this router if i use a wired connection, but that knocks out the wirless for everyone else (unpopular!). has anyone come across this diffuculty before? would be great to get it working so I can get on and revise!
just wondered if anyone has tried to use zorin on a zoom adsl router - its ancient but its what my parents have at home, which is where I'm stuck for easter revision. I can use the network on this router if i use a wired connection, but that knocks out the wirless for everyone else (unpopular!). has anyone come across this diffuculty before? would be great to get it working so I can get on and revise!