Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:06:56 am
OK, getting a headache reading & watching videos trying to understand what might be causing my issues with not getting 'Recovery Mode' to work and seems like issues with Nautilus too. What I need to do is a fresh install I think.
First off I didn't get the install right at the beginning because I didn't use the available drive space right. I have a 250Gb drive partitioned into 2 x 125Gb which were C & D drives. I read that Zorin needed 7Gb so I gave it 20Gb (way too little I now see) but looking now from the Drive info, that it took that 20Gb from the D drive.
What I want to do is:
1. Reduce the C drive so that it is big enough for the Windows XP & for any Windows games etc that I may want to add & use with WINE.
2. Add Zorin to the remainder of that drive ie say 50Gb for Windows & 75Gb for Zorin
3. Restore the D drive back to its 125Gb from the current 105Gb
4. Clean install a fresh Zorin 6.3 core
I have backed up my HOME with Deja Dup
Can this be done?