I see you have an ATI card (2400). Your problem may be created by increase in temps.
What drivers are you using? Open or proprietary ones? (I would have seen that if you have given the outcome of
lspci -nn | grep -iA2 VGA
To test your temps do the following:
Open terminal and install sensors.
- Code:
sudo apt-get install lm-sensors
yes | sudo sensors-detect
Then run
- Code:
watch -n1 sensors
and you will see live (every 1 second) the increase/decrease of your systems temps.
If you see that your temps are increasing significantly and you are using your open (radeon) drivers (
and only if you are using the radeon drivers), I can tell you to try out a trick to see if you will get better temps.
In terminal write
- Code:
sudo su
echo mid > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_device
After the above command, start using your PC as normal. See if you get any unresponsivess. If not, I can tell you how to make this "trick" permanent.