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(SOLVED) Printer does not install


Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:05:40 am

Running Zorin 7, Gnome 2 looks.
My printer is a Brother MFC4800, and has installed beautifully on all other Linux systems I have installed, but not this system. -- The computer finds it & gives it the correct name for the machine, but can't find drivers. - Having done it numerous times before, I found the the packages in Synaptic, and installed. - Simply nothing happens. It will not even print a test page. - Very strange, especially as it has not been an issue with other distros. -- Absolutely MUST get this working. ....

AMD A6 5400K CPU, 3.6 GHZ
8ghz Ram
Radeon 6200 turbocache
Asus F2 85-M board.


Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:16:01 am


I don't have a Brother printer but you can look here, it states that your printer is supported and which packages you need to install: ... 31276.html

For a unified driver: ... 31276.html

Both pages are somewhat dated but you should be able to get it to work.

Regards Wolfman :D


Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:33:29 am

Thanks; one of those pages had a couple of drivers for my model, MFC 4800. They are both DEB files & I have never insalled one of these. --Likewise, I also got a 'gz' file of only 13kb. - Not sure what to do with that either. - Can you help with these? --Thx.


Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:14:06 am


to install a "deb" package, make sure you have "Gdebi package installer" installed, right click the downloaded package and on "Open With" and select Gdebi from the list, enter your pw and all should be good!!.

To install Gdebi via a terminal command should it not be installed:

sudo apt-get install gdebi

Regards Wolfman :D


Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:48:01 am

Well, thanks, I have tried these to no avail, but, 2 things. -- 1: I also got another file & saved it to downloads & am not sure what to do with this. - It is labelled 'Linuxbrprinter-installer-1.0.0-1.gz' . At present a bit afraid to touch it.
Also, after installing the other files with Gdebi, another symbol showed up in 'System Settings, Printers'. It tells me it is an MFC 4800, & states beneath that 'Processing'. There is no tick alongside it, unlike my previous attempt which also lists the same, but beneath the model number it says 'Ready'. When I click on Print a test page, the first one does nothing. - The second (no tick) recognises something when I click Print Test Page, but does nothing. - Unlike the first (ticked) logo, this recent one shows 3 jobs active, & when I tick that, it shows them all qeued. I have tried to delete them but it will not. - Just wondering if this gz file holds a secret, although it can not have put the tick in with the first one. ---Puzzled. ---P.S: Which city are you in? Helps me with time zones. --PPS: Is there a version of Zorin 7 that looks like the Mint (mate version) desktop.? I am certainly more at home with that, but Mint has otherwise become a dogs breakfast. - Thx.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:33:56 am

Now I have a message: Software index is broken. - This is a major failure of the software management system. Please check for the broken packages with Synaptic, check the file permissions & correctness of the 'file/etc/sources.list & re-load the software information with sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install -f

All double dutch to me, but must have something to do with the printer. It made reference to this, but is gone now. - Pity it would not let me do a copy & paste of the lot. - Also, my last 2 systems have been 64 bit, and this same printer worked fine with them. -- Fingers crossed.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:45:20 am

This is the other portion I managed to copy n paste: An Error Occurred:
E:The package mfc 4800 needs to be re-installed, but I can't find an archive for it.
E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.

Must be the file mfc 4800lpr -1.2-1.i386.deb (28.9k) Thx again.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:57:43 am

Now Synaptic keeps coming up with that error message, even after a re-start, thereby rendering it unuseable. - I can see a full re-install coming up, but that may not cure this problem.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:09:19 am

Just out of curiosity, I ran sudo etc to get debi & this is what showd: laurence@zorin:~$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
[sudo] password for laurence:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: The package mfc4800lpr:i386 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:33:26 pm


make sure that you install this package via a terminal:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

The above will ensure that if you are using 32 bit packages on a 64 bit system; that it will run, but first fix the broken packages!.

To fix broken packages, see this guide about updating and look at the section "Fixing Broken Packages:":


Re-install the package "mfc4800lpr:i386" again when finished with the above!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:04:27 am

Yes, did all of that as far as I can tell. On attempting to re-install that package it came up with the same old message: E: The package mfc4800lpr:i386 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.
This in fact is a fresh download of the file. - I have the original hidden elsewhere on the computer.


Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:34:59 am


try running this terminal command and then reinstall the package again:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And/or, try running "DPKG" per this guide which requires a network cable:


Regards Wolfman :D


Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:09:14 am

Have tried all that but when I return to Synaptic it promptly comes up with a message that there is a major failure in my Software Management system. - Suggests checking files/etc or somesuch. - Thing is that if I am faced with a total re-install, will the same thing happen again? - I could save those files on a USB drive, but normally I have found the relevant drivers in Synaptic & they work. - Even though the last 3 systems have been 64 bit.---I notice this problem has taken out Software Centre as well. It simply sits there with the cursor revolving & does nothing. - It does not even get as far as asking for my password.
Software Updater also seems dead. When I click to open it, simply nothing happens.
The system refuses to allow me to try re-installing, be it by Gdebi or Synaptic. It all just comes up with that error message


Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:44:53 am

Steps 2 & 3 of the 'alien' thing just fizzled. Nothing in Downloads file.


Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:56:54 pm


do you still have the files you need in the downloads folder, if you don't, Alien won't work and you need to point alien to the correct folder!!.

Did you do a disk install and did you burn the disk at the slowest possible speed?:


Change your software download location as Swarf suggests and try updating again!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:57:54 am

Well, Mr Wolfman, thanks for the help to date. That printer driver prob was sticky. - I have done a full system re-install, with a first start in recovery mode as you suggested. - That was big in itself, and then run the previous terminal line you suggested. - I have saved, but not yet loaded the 2 deb files for the printer. - That previous line in Terminal, this time resulted in a lot of work for the computer; it took some time. - Would not do that before. Pity that was not all pre-loaded in the Zorin package as it may save a lot of grief for a lot of people. - I have used both Software Centre and Synaptic and both work fine. - May give it 24 hours before attempting loading up printer drivers again. Will want to have another go at 'themes' first. -- Thx again.


Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:09:25 am

Almost Solved: Loaded in approx 8 x brother printer drivers (all lpr files) from Synaptic and the printer is working, although in System Settings it has not placed a tick along side it. -- The drivers I loaded are much the same as with Mint, but it always loaded up o.k., so their system must already have had a line added to Terminal to take care of 32 bit stuff. - Mint always saw it & gave the tick. - The main thing is for it to keep working.


Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:22:17 am


did you install this package "ia32-libs-multiarch:i386" which should give you full 32 bit support??.

sudo apt get install ia32-libs-multiarch:i386

Have you run the setup printer thingy in System Settings?. You need to click on the plus "+" sign and add a printer, just in case it isn't listed correctly!!.
Workspace 1_033.jpg

Let us know if it helps.

Regards Wolfman :D


Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:27:56 pm

Just tried that & got this output:
-version Version information
-help Print a synopsis of standard options; use javac -help for more options
-X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
-A[key[=value]] Options to pass to annotation processors
-nocompile Do not compile source files to class files
-print Print out textual representation of specified types
-factorypath <path> Specify where to find annotation processor factories
-factory <class> Name of AnnotationProcessorFactory to use; bypasses default discovery process
See javac -help for information on javac options.

warning: The apt tool and its associated API are planned to be
removed in the next major JDK release. These features have been
superseded by javac and the standardized annotation processing API,
javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model. Users are
recommended to migrate to the annotation processing features of
javac; see the javac man page for more information.


Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:35:28 pm


do you have Java installed?:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Regards Wolfman :D


Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:48:39 pm

:D Finally got my Samsung ML-1915 to print a test page through my USB port. I was always detected, but would not print. Previously had 'localhost' listed as a connection.

Zorin 6
Samsung ML-1915

Solution went into CUPS (http://localhost:631/admin) and
* Deleted the printer
* set the Server to default, restarted it,
* add the printer again
* set it to its defaults
* printed a test page

Description: Samsung ML-191x 252x Series
Location: Local Printer
Driver: Samsung ML-1915, 2.0.0 (grayscale, 2-sided printing)
Connection: usb://Samsung/ML-191x%20252x%20Series?s ... AFZA00855Z.
Defaults: job-sheets=none, none media=na_letter_8.5x11in sides=one-sided