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[SOLVED] Audacity locks up frequently in Zorin 7 (64 bit)


Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:06:11 am

Freshly installed Audacity (version 2.0.3) locks up frequently in Z-7. - mainly when recording an entire 12" L.P. ... During the working on & modifying various tracks, it locks up and eventually either crashes or has to be pushed into a 'Force Quit' situation.

AMD 3.6 GIG A6 5400K
8 gig RAM
Radeon 512mhz 6200 Turbocache
Nvidia 'Nouveau' driver.


Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:33:00 am


try running this terminal command:

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Then restart your PC and try running Audacity again!.

Are there any other processes running/working when running Audacity?.

Let us know what happens.

Regards Wolfman :D


Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:57:53 am

Did that. Closed all other software & spent another hour on Audacity. - It had a crash but on re-start it seemed to recover otherwise lost work. - Did the 12 inch vinyl album in several bites & ran filters & tools for each track on it's own, rather than treating the whole album it one bite, say for surface noise reduction. - Slow, but finally got there. - The worst problem I have had with Audacity in the past was on a double (12" vinyl) album. - It would let me get half way through side 4 then crash & lose the lot.- Most annoying. - Solved that by doing a double album in 2 bites, but it seems just that little more unstable with this current version. - Will call this solved & see how it performs in the future. - It is one of those programs that is indipensable. -- Rgds.