Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:59:53 am
Greetings to all!
I have successfully installed the current 7-lite .iso on older hardware (Intel-mobo, Athlon 2800, 1GB Ram, 100GB HDD, built-in Ethernet (VIA-Rhine) & Video (VIA)). Everything worked fine (even suspend & resume, which so far hung on every other Ubuntu-based flavor I've tested!) except for re-activating Ethernet upon resume. That i got to work after a few tweaks (changed to auto-ethernet setting).
This morning, a kernel update from the .iso's 3.8.0-29 kernel to the 3.8.0-30 kernel came through. Following the install & reboot, the previously-working "resume from sleep" is now BROKEN: all vital signs of a properly running system show (num-lock light toggles ok, usb-mouse's light stays lit, HDD-light shows activity), but the display switches to "no signal" after waking up initially, and there's no discernable keyboard or mouse focus either. A hard reset (power-switch press for 5 secs) is required to turn the system off (risking corruption of the file systems). Subsequent re-booting works just fine, and system is again fully operational. All the major logs look ok, too (to me anyway, a nuB).
Suggestions a nuB to Linux can follow?
I have successfully installed the current 7-lite .iso on older hardware (Intel-mobo, Athlon 2800, 1GB Ram, 100GB HDD, built-in Ethernet (VIA-Rhine) & Video (VIA)). Everything worked fine (even suspend & resume, which so far hung on every other Ubuntu-based flavor I've tested!) except for re-activating Ethernet upon resume. That i got to work after a few tweaks (changed to auto-ethernet setting).
This morning, a kernel update from the .iso's 3.8.0-29 kernel to the 3.8.0-30 kernel came through. Following the install & reboot, the previously-working "resume from sleep" is now BROKEN: all vital signs of a properly running system show (num-lock light toggles ok, usb-mouse's light stays lit, HDD-light shows activity), but the display switches to "no signal" after waking up initially, and there's no discernable keyboard or mouse focus either. A hard reset (power-switch press for 5 secs) is required to turn the system off (risking corruption of the file systems). Subsequent re-booting works just fine, and system is again fully operational. All the major logs look ok, too (to me anyway, a nuB).
Suggestions a nuB to Linux can follow?