Hi mooneyguy, first off I don't see a need for '/boot' partition unless you have a strange hardware config. The extended partition looks corrupt and suspect you tried to choose to encrypt your '/home' at boot time - never do this or you will end up with a corrupt install. If you are using your entire drive I advise the following layout:
1. Boot with your live DVD of Zorin.
2. Choose the 'something else' option during installation process, but be sure you are connected to the internet so you get all the updates and codecs at point of installation.
3. When GParted launches, delete all your partitions (I have assumed that you already have a backup of your data whilst Zorin was functioning correctly).
4. Create a 'Primary' partition of 30 Gb and mark it '/' and format to ext4 fs (fs=file system)
5. Create an 'Extended' partition for the rest of the drive and then:
a. create a 'swap area' at the END of the drive (this is what Zorin would do if you let it do it automatically). The size of your swap area should match your RAM - if your installed memory is less than 4 Gb your swap area should not be anything less than 4 Gb.
b. create a '/home' partition at the BEGINNING of the extended partition of what is left after creating the swap area.
c. Be sure that: i. You DON'T put your username in capitals (or any part of it)
ii. You DON'T attempt to encrypt your '/home' folder at point of install.
Good Luck!