alecxander wrote:would like to do version 6.3 core and 7 core 64 bit. But was wondering about the ultimate, and gaming thanks.
Hi alecxander, there won't be much difference between Ultimate and Core in respect of Wine with the exception of Winetricks being present in the Ultimate version - you can install winetricks yourself via the repositories I think. With regards to Gaming this should have Wine but the emphasis is on Linux games not Windows ones. Take a look at the links that Wolfman has provided you with.
As a general tip, if you have any games on Windows, use the .exe Walker program to see what is being used as it might give you information as to what .dlls are required - these can be entered manually in 'winecfg' (WineConfig). As a general rule, anything on CD/.DVD for Windows has to be copied over to the C:/ drive in your hidden '.wine' folder - select all the files once copied (create a folder with the game name first!) and right click to bring up 'Properties' - then click on 'Permissions' tab and then make sure that 'Run executable as a program is check marked' then click on the 'Setup' icon.