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Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:05:36 pm
Hi Guys just experienced the following isue whils backing up, any ideas as to what to do to resolve this issue.
Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:52:50 pm
Was it the only file? Often cache files are only temporary files - and the issue here is dconf (editor?). Can you see what has been backed up? I suspect .cache will not back up - its a bit like certain Windows processes that cannot be backed up or deleted because the system is currently using them.
Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:59:50 am
Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:36:23 pm
Hi Wolfman:
Your referenced article on how to geek describes how Deja Dup can restore my "Home" folder, which is all the data I would need. Could it also back up the "Computer" folder, which is everything. What I am looking for is a full disk image so if my system dies for whatever reason (hard disk, malware or corruption) I can wipe the disk (or install a new one) , restore the Computer, boot and get back to work. I may lose the data from the last backup date, but I can live with that (I often back that up to a usb flash).
Can DejaDup do this, or do I need some other software , and if so, which software and hopefully, a link to where its operation and use is described.
all the best
Thanks a lot.
Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:10:17 am
Hi Joel,
take a looky here: as an example is in the repo!.
Read through the stuff on that link verrrrrrrrrrry sloooooooooowly and make sure all your important files are backed up on another medium!.
Hope it helps.
Regards Wolfman
Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:54:26 am
I used clonezilla 'live' cd to copy Windows 7 install to another drive - but I forgot to copy the mbr across! DOH! - you do have various options, but as Wolfman says, take your time reading through what you need to do!
[ Or as my dear old Dad would say "Take your time ... and hurry up!"
Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:27:05 pm
Thanks Swarfendor437 and Wolfman. Clonezilla it is, and I'll take the time to read through what I need to do. I do want a clone in case of a disaster. I've taken the time to get my Zorin 6 Ultimate LTS set up exactly as I want, with a lot of help from you two and the other posters on the board, so I wouldn't want to have to start from scratch.
This issue is solved for me, but I'm not sure that I should so mark the thread this way since I didn't start it.
all the best
Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:13:55 am
is this solved for you now?.
Regards Wolfman
Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:57:12 am
Hi Wolfman, I think we need to split jojo's query away from this thread and have it as a new one - no time now - can you do it?