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[SOLVED] The strange case of "accroread"


Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:22:03 pm

Hi All:
i have Adobe Acrobat Reader on my Zorin Ultimate 6 desktop. It has an AMD quad core processor and 8 GB of RAM. It runs well. Today I was using the program "System Monitor" that comes with Gnome to review my disk usage and how my system is using resources.

What I found was that "accroread" was using 100% of one core, even though it wasn't open and I wasn't reading any .pdf documents. I changed the priority (right click on process) from low to very low and then the usage went down to 96%. So I decided to stop the process (not end or kill it). It stopped and then the CPU usage went to zero. So far so good. I then opened up a .pdf document and that went well. The cpu usage (an average number) stayed at zero after the document was opened. It didn't seem to take much longer with the process stopped than with it running.

So my questions are:
1 whether I should leave "accroread" stopped permanently?

2.why it took up a full 1/4 of my processing power?

This is more in terms of understanding, since it isn't giving me a problem (except perhaps less system robustness and ability to handle multiple tasks). Accroread is the only process that does this. I have other options for opening .pdf documents such as evince document reader and pdfsam and master pdf editor. Evince seems to be the only one purely for reading.

3. Does the group think it would be a smart idea to get rid of Adobe Reader all together?
4. What are the recommended replacement options?

Thanks , Jojo


Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:39:11 pm

I don't know about the GNU/Linux implementation of Acro Read - on Windows I prefer Sumatra.pdf - 10 Mb compared to Adobes 100 + Mb of space and Sumatra is readily portable too!

Take a look here:


Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:37:07 am


I would say you have a faulty install of Acroread, I have mine open now and it is running at 0%, I would try completely removing it and re-install it first before you try other readers!.

You can download a version from here, make sure you select the "Deb" package:

Adobe - Adobe Reader download - All versions - Mozilla Firefox_002.jpg

Regards Wolfman :D


Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:22:47 pm

Thanks Wolfman and Swarfendor437.
I think removing accroread and reinstalling sounds like a good first step. Can I uninstall by going to Synaptic and right clicking on uninstall, or is there a preferred way of uninstalling? I'll reinstall from the link Wolfman sent.


Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:15:40 am

Hi Joel,

use Synaptic, right click the package to remove it completely!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:56:17 pm

Thanks Wolfman. Quick and cogent advice as usual.



Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:46:40 am

Hi Jojo,

glad to help :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Regards Wolfman:D