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Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:41:01 pm
Im currently on My GUEST login area which is operating ok so to say but my Admin login area does not have a Start Menu bar. The only things it shows are the two icons on the desktop. The Folder and Trash icons. I would really like to fix this or the bug if anyone has ideas. I tried dkpg in recovery and it found 15 updates that installed but did no help. I also tried the gconftool links in the terminal but I got an "Error while parsing options." Is anyone else dealing with these issues themselves on ZOS 8? Im really out of options you guys so any help would be appreciated.
Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:54:52 pm
So I found out the problem. Gnome2 might be broken or not fully fixed and ready to use. In terminal I used 'look-changer' and chose Win7 and my start menu reloaded back up and same goes for XP. Gnome2 setting on the other hand will work for a while with some issues and then when restarting PC the menu will disappear.. So there are some issues with the Gnome2 menu look changer. So if you lose you menu while customizing your desktop don't panic. Just go though the steps above.
Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:17:18 pm
Another user has reported issues with regard to the Font Size - if this is bigger than size 10 or 11 then it will break the Gnome desktop!
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:01:04 am