Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:41:28 am
Am instalat sist. de op. Ubuntu Zorin pe calculatoarele din laboratorul de informatica al Scolii Gimnaziale ”Regele Mihai I” Bucuresti si am intampinat urmatoarea problema: la unele (nu la toate) dintre calculatoare nu functioneaza butonul shut down. Ce pot sa fac?
Instalarea a fost facuta la toate la fel si cu toate astea, unele se pot inchide, altele nu.
Eugenia Ion
I installed the system. Op. Zorin Ubuntu computers in the middle school computer lab "King Michael I" Bucharest and I encountered the following problem: some (not all) of the computers shut down button does not work. What can I do?
The installation was done at all the same and yet, some may close, others not.
Eugenia Ion
Instalarea a fost facuta la toate la fel si cu toate astea, unele se pot inchide, altele nu.
Eugenia Ion
I installed the system. Op. Zorin Ubuntu computers in the middle school computer lab "King Michael I" Bucharest and I encountered the following problem: some (not all) of the computers shut down button does not work. What can I do?
The installation was done at all the same and yet, some may close, others not.
Eugenia Ion