OK, I have done a video but I need to edit out the bits that show my machine number in teamviewer!
Can show you a screenshot of Teamviewer icon in my panel for now though!
OK, it was tricky to do! When I launched 'Team Viewer 9' (32-bit as 64-bit is known not to install!) I had to right-click the icon that appeared in the panel and then select 'Create Launcher'. To do this I had to send the menu item to the desktop as a shortcut ('Create Desktop Shortcut' after right-clicking Menu icon for teamviewer):
I then 'right-clicked' the desktop shortcut and selected 'Properties' which presented the image above - then copied the highlighted command into the Application Launcher dialog box:
To change the icon from 'Application Launcher' to teamviewer took a bit of searching but I should have paid more attention to the 'command' which gives the clue! Go to the root file system and look for the 'opt' folder, then teamviewer9 | tv_bin | desktop - and therein is the teamviewer.png!