Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:04:02 pm
Hi I am new to the Zorin Fourum, at the moment I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and have got fed up with Windows and the things one has to buy to make safe the OS and all the extras you have to buy to make it useful. I have been researching Linux distros and even dual booted Linux Mint Cinnamon 64 bit but after a short while it went pear shaped the dual booting I mean. After that experience I have been a little shy of attempting it again. After some research I have been looking at Zorin Ultimate 64 bit which seems to come with all the bells and whistles. Now comes the questions, I have some where about 250 gig of music can I transfer that over to Zorin or will I have to redownload the lot again? the same with pictures and video's will I be able to transfer them via a external drive? Well I think that is as much I need to ask at the moment, Thanks for any comments and advice.