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Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:12:40 pm

I added a bunch of new pictures to the Backgrounds folder. What I have to do for them to be recognized by the system, meaning, when I right click and select to change desktop background I will see them in the Select Background window? Thanks


Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:23:15 pm


assuming you put them in the system backgrounds folder, (Your home folder > Computer > usr > share > backgrounds) simply right click the desktop > Change desktop background and click on Background and select one, other than that, if you saved them to a different folder, navigate to that folder and right click the pic and set as wallpaper!.


Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:42:33 pm

I have the same issue - there is no lock on the folder so not an issue of root access! Suggest you just choose the 'Pictures' option which will show all your pictures that live in your '/home/Pictures' directory! :D

It's one of those annoying little bugs that did not exist in earlier version of 'buntu and their forks like Zorin! ;)


Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:57:00 am

Yes, I put them in the Backgrounds folder, but they don't show up when I right click the desktop to select a background. It only shows the ones that came with the system. In order to use them, as Swarfendor437 suggested, I had to move the pictures back to the Pictures folder, where they show when I select the Pictures tab. I wonder if there is a solution for this.


Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:45:50 am

Hi WP,

when you copied the pics into the system background folder, did you make sure that your user has access permission to the pics?, if you didn't copy them as root; that shouldn't be a problem, if you did copy them as root, it is most likely that only root has permission!.

Press Ctrl + Al + t (terminal) and enter the following command:

gksudo nautilus

which will give you root privileges and navigate to the backgrounds folder and check the permissions of the pics!.


Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:57:55 am

Hi Wolfman, have tried that as well and it doesn't work! ;)


Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:18:30 pm


did you put another folder in the backgrounds folder?. The pics should be pasted as single pics inside the main backgrounds folder, not in a sub folder!.


Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:48:09 am

Single pIcs! ;)


Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:02:08 pm

Swarfendor437 wrote:Single pIcs! ;)

as "Root"?.


Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:39:30 pm

Yes, when user failed, I did the 'gksudo nautilus' command and still nothing - that said, this is an old drive and think this could be the issue - bearing in mind the borking issue with Kingsoft Office first time around then it did it the second! ;)


Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:50:52 am

Hi all,

I just tried this myself (copying pics into background folder as root) and it doesn't work, must be a bug?????.