Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:07:56 pm
I am a newcomer to the world of Linux OSs, perhaps one of many contemplating a change after relying for many years on Windows 98 and then XP.
I am fascinated by the range of choice in the Linux world, but intimidated by the jargon and the technique of "command line" (or "terminal") operations. So as a first step I am reading widely and beginning to try out some of the Linux OS distros, thanks to the wonderful LiveCD (or LiveDVD) sessions. Once I am comfortable with whichever Linux OS I choose, I shall want to install as dual boot so that I retain the XP option for certain functions and activities (notably graphics and photo work)
I have however just come up against what seems to be an early obstacle with Zorin, which is the reason for this post.
I have two laptops running XP. My main one is a Dell Inspiron 1520 (2GB RAM, Intel Core2 Duo 2.00GHz, 250GB HDD). The other is an older Inspiron 8600 (512MB RAM, Pentium M 1.5GHz, 60GB HDD) which I use as a spare or reserve.
I have tried out a limited selection of Linux distros. Zorin was looking like my favourite, with Linux Lite as a possibility, but neither would run on the older 8600 whose CPU does not have "pae". So advice from other forums and sites led me to try LXLE (a Lubuntu variation which does not need a "pae" CPU) as well, and that works fine on both the newer 1520 and the old 8600 laptop.
Nevertheless I have been persisting with Zorin Live sessions on my main (1520) laptop, just to get more familiar with it. And there is a problem.
The other two OSs (Lite and LXLE) connect easily via either wired or wireless connection to my Netgear router. BUT..... while Zorin works fine with the wired connection, it cannot connect wirelessly. It claims that firmware (a driver) is missing. The wireless card (?) in the 1520 is Broadcom (haven't verified which particular model). Zorin says I need the Broadcom STA proprietary driver, but when I try to download or activate it, I get a 'failed' message. I have looked at var/log/jockey.log as instructed. The info there is meaningless to me, but it appears to show that BroadcomWLhandler or bc43xx has been looked for but is "blacklisted" (?).
Some searching of forums and websites reveals that there is a big, widespread and long standing problem with Zorin and Broadcom wireless drivers. Worse, there seems to be not one simple and agreed fix, but a multitude of suggested solutions, most of which involve lots of incomprehensible commands in the terminal. I am not willing to go down that route, for two reasons. One is that I don't want to mess with my computer or its drivers when the OS is running only as a Live session off a CD/DVD or USB stick (I am assuming that any changes I make won't actually make a permanent difference to the Zorin OS 'image' which I am using for the Live sessions) . The other is that since the computer and the wireless connection works flawlessly not only with the installed Windows XP but with the two other Linux OSs I have tried so far, I doubly don't want to mess with the existing wireless drivers or setup at Zorin's behest if that then risks causing problems for these other OSs.
So.... the crunch. Is this a dealbreaker? If the only way to get Zorin to work wirelessly is (a) to install it; and (b) to jump through all sorts of hoops in the terminal in the hope that some combination of codes will magic the Broadcom wireless connection into working with Zorin, then I'm not very interested in playing. I'm happy to customise wallpapers and try out new software apps, but I want an OS in which the fundamentals work straight out of the box.
Is there an agreed diagnosis, and a simple, agreed, solution to the problem? Or do I just write Zorin off as more trouble than I need?