Tue May 06, 2014 2:32:04 pm
Am working on a keyboard shortcuts list for Zorin. Found a good reference for Ubuntu: ... tcuts.html
The following don't work:
Ctrl-Esc open Start Menu
Ctrl+Super+D close windows and show desktop
Print Screen all combinations (alt/shift)
In Gedit:
Alt+F open file menu
Ctrl+End select to end of line
Question: is this an Zorin problem (then I need help) or an Ubuntu/GEdit problem (then I find out myself). ... tcuts.html
The following don't work:
Ctrl-Esc open Start Menu
Ctrl+Super+D close windows and show desktop
Print Screen all combinations (alt/shift)
In Gedit:
Alt+F open file menu
Ctrl+End select to end of line
Question: is this an Zorin problem (then I need help) or an Ubuntu/GEdit problem (then I find out myself).