Why give up? Just follow the given advice. There is links given to
all software you need to boot from a USB. Use these links and software there, nothing else. If you however have decided to buy a DVD from Zorin so it definitely works, but you have to buy, rent or loan also an ext. DVD player to make the installation there.
Did you use this UUI or some other USB installer software ?
How far you have managed to go/get in the process? ... Where does your process exactly fail?- Do you have the downloaded .iso file from the official source
- Have you checked that it is
error free using md5sum sw
- Did you format the
USB to Fat 32 format using the
content completely erasing option (slow)
- Do you have UUI downloaded (or do/did you use some other USB installer sw)
- Did you manage to install the software
error free to the USB. (Can be followed in UUI)
- Did you
try it in some other computer in live mode that it boots and works ok.
- Can you get your computer to
boot from USB by using PLOP
- If every step is ok. untill now, then you may try to install it to HDD selecting the "Install Zorin" icon from the live running os.' screen.
This is a "hard wired" step by step process where you can track that everything goes ok. and also where it (may be) fails.
Then you can follow the installation quids like how to partition the HDD for installation and post install quids to get it updated and configured to your needs.
Keep us posted how you navigate.