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Linux novice with graphics problems

Dave in Houston

Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:35:44 pm

Dear Zorin Folks,

I've always been a Windows guy, and today's Zorin experience is my first ever with any Linux.

My wife came across a couple of shoe boxes of obsolete computer parts and encouraged me to get rid of them. I told her I could build an obsolete computer with all those obsolete parts, to which she replied, "Yeah, right."

The gauntlet having been thrown down, I felt obligated to give it a try. I got everything to boot and run diagnostics last night, and put it in the case this afternoon. I had an XP license knocking around, but loading XP seems like swimming upstream these days, so I decided to try Zorin.

The install went OK, but when I rebooted the new installation, I got a gray screen. I'd read something here about video problems, so I decided to unplug the separate video card and try the graphics on the motherboard. Lo and behold, that worked!

So the question: Is it worthwhile to try to get a separate video card working? It might be an exercise that would teach me something about Linux, or it might be an exercise in frustration. If worthwhile, can you give me a few hints where to start?

FYI, the video cards that didn't work include Geforce MX420, Geforce FX5200, and Geforce FX5500. The manual says that the on-board graphics is an Intel 865 chipset, Intel Extreme graphics, AGP 8X.

The rest of the system includes an Intel 865GLC main board with 1.5 gig of memory.

I installed Zorin 8 on the only partition on the drive, wiping out everything else there. I have no plans to run any other OS on this computer.

I never ran Zorin Live on this system. I tried Zorin Live on another box, and it ran fine, so I didn't know I might need to run it on this old pile of parts.

Any help you can give will be most appreciated.




Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:54:42 am

Well that is interesting - another forum member also had issues with FX5200 - if you can get your hands on one, I would go for an EVGA 8x AGP - at work so can't give you the model number - surprised these are still available as I had to replace my FX5700 LE 256 Mb 8x AGP that died recently - I will test Zorin in live mode as no space on the machine with the EVGA - stay tuned! :D

Dave in Houston

Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:40:38 pm

Thanks for your response.

I'm now wrestling with another graphics problem. After I got the system working with the graphics on the motherboard, I put it into its resting place on a KVM switch with some other systems. It started and ran OK, but Chrome wouldn't start properly.

I browsed the forums, then ran a command from terminal mode that I can't remember entirely, but that I believe that was to make it download a fresh copy of the whole system.

After that, whenever I start up, it tells me the system is starting in low-graphics mode. After it tells me to wait a minute it never comes back.

I then disconnected it from the KVM switch and connected it directly to a dedicated monitor, and it starts up fine. I did it twice to be sure it wasn't a fluke.

I'm going to poke around a bit to see if I can find an answer to that problem, and if I don't I will probably start a new thread. I need to get the system working properly with the on-board grahics before I work on getting the GeForce graphics to work.

I'm having some fun, anyway. Sort of.

Thanks again,


Dave in Houston

Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:00:47 am

Further to my second post above:

I didn't see anything on this forum that seems relevant to my problem.

A quick google search led to several discussion about problems when using KVM switches. I think this one might be relevant, but I'm not sure: ... -switches/

Anyway, I've run out of time for playing with computers tonight.



Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:57:33 am

If you are using Zorin 9 RC, this is based on Ubuntu 14.04 - found this: ... ntu-14-04/

Dave in Houston

Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:47:55 pm

Thanks for the info. I'm still using Zorin 8. Are you recommending Zorin 9 these days?

In either case, I've put this problem on hold for a while. I'm trying to load Zorin to replace XP on a couple boxes my church.

Hi I am not sure when 9 will be out - the Devs released the RC for feedback of issues so that these can be ironed out before the final is released. I would be tempted to opt for Zorin 6 as this has long-term support until 2017 (April). When 9 is finally released it will be supported 'til April 2019.


Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:29:39 pm

Hi, I would drop back to Zorin 6 for now as this is Long Term Support until April 2017. 9 RC is not the final release as the devs need feedback of any issues and to try and resolve these where possible to get a good final release. Zorin 8/8.1 expires 17 July! Zorin 9 final will be LTS to April 2019.