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Cant view cloned partition


Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:42:56 am

Used Gparted live CD to copy my drive partition to an external USB drive. Both drives are of same type, same partition sizes, etc.
When done, verified sizes were identical. Ok, here's where I'm a dummy and need help. Of course both drives contain boot info as they are potentially identical in every way. Unplugged USB drive, booted computer. Plugged USB drive back in. Does not show up in File Manager. Mounted the drive in Accessories/Disks. Still does not show. Went back to DIsks and viewed "more actions" of USB drive, unchecked Bootable Drive and changed Filesystem Label.

I assumed that both changing the name to a different one than my internal drive partition and making it not bootable would allow the system to show the drive after I rebooted it and remounted it, but no.

So what am I doing wrong? As far as I know I have a perfect copy of my drive, which I intend to use as a backup restore. How can I view the files on this disk?


Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:47:48 am

Hi, I take it your internal drive has Zorin and nothing else - you would be far better off my friend usinig Clonezilla - just be sure to copy the mbr (GRUB) when you do. DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK - I have not tried this with external drives - only moving Windows 7 from one drive to another (SATA).


Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:48:21 pm

I did try Clonezilla first, (live cd) did copy mbr. Clonezilla errored and halted during check, never completed. Tried twice, nope.
So I figured being that failed, copy partition in Gparted. External USB drive is identical to internal, except set to non-bootable.
I only have Zorin installed.

I thought this would be the most effective way to create a backup.

So even thought I manually mount the USB drive, why can I not see it? :?


Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:01:35 pm

Ok, I see a possible culprit. After reading this:

I see that my USB drive is mounting at Filesystem Root instead of /media/username. My logic says that two drives should not mount in same place anyways, right? I went into Drives and mounted it, and can see nothing in FileManager. Next trick is to see if I can mount it manually else where as per instructions. Wish me luck.


Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:05:07 pm

Hi, thanks for keeping us updated and sharing valuable information! :D