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virus locked me out of hard drive....


Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:09:55 pm

...& therefore my previous Zorin OS....(as well as a partitioned Windows 98 section which I'd left on the hard drive during initial installation of Zorin, which still has all my music/pix/docs, etc.) totally inaccessible on my hard drive!

I've been using/enjoying Zorin since just before Microsoft pulled the plug on Win98 (so late Feb 2014), & I've never not even once had any virus/malware/trojan problem using my Zorin, before now. But I now apparently do, & don't have a clue as to how to fix it (since my hd is not seen nor accessible to even run some antivirus on it)!

So I am now booting only from my USB (original installation files for Zorin), & I am able to access the Internet, hence this post; however, it will not allow me to (re)load the installation on my hd, since the program/my laptop cannot see/access my C:drive at all (& the PC won't boot to C:, w/or w/o using the USB; it only just gives me a grey screen & top left blinking cursor, & also, sometimes, w/a flickering on/off caps lock key (?!); & the Zorin main menus don't show anything but the contents of my USB, not my Zorin partition, nor the "640MB [or whatever amt] Volume" (which was my Win98 partition, w/all my saved files, etc.)!

Pls let me know if I've left out needful info, or if further clarification on my part is needed to understand the above!

HELP! :o (& THX!) :roll:

Steverino10 in SF


Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:20:38 pm

Hi, Firstly, how do you know a virus locked you out of your Windows 98 partition? I do hope you have not used Windows 98 on the internet - support for that OS ended on 11 July 2006! I suspect you have more of a hard drive failure somewhere along the line rather than a virus (unless you have been connected to the internet whilst using Windows 98!

I would boot from your USB and run Test Disk. Let us know the results.


Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:24:48 pm

Sounds more like the hard drive failed or is failing badly.

When you boot the computer, go into the BIOS an see if the drive is listed but do NOT change anything!

Let us know what you find in the BIOS.



Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:31:34 pm

Sound advice GEWB - Time for me to hit the sack methinks! :D