Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:09:55 pm
...& therefore my previous Zorin OS....(as well as a partitioned Windows 98 section which I'd left on the hard drive during initial installation of Zorin, which still has all my music/pix/docs, etc.) totally inaccessible on my hard drive!
I've been using/enjoying Zorin since just before Microsoft pulled the plug on Win98 (so late Feb 2014), & I've never not even once had any virus/malware/trojan problem using my Zorin, before now. But I now apparently do, & don't have a clue as to how to fix it (since my hd is not seen nor accessible to even run some antivirus on it)!
So I am now booting only from my USB (original installation files for Zorin), & I am able to access the Internet, hence this post; however, it will not allow me to (re)load the installation on my hd, since the program/my laptop cannot see/access my C:drive at all (& the PC won't boot to C:, w/or w/o using the USB; it only just gives me a grey screen & top left blinking cursor, & also, sometimes, w/a flickering on/off caps lock key (?!); & the Zorin main menus don't show anything but the contents of my USB, not my Zorin partition, nor the "640MB [or whatever amt] Volume" (which was my Win98 partition, w/all my saved files, etc.)!
Pls let me know if I've left out needful info, or if further clarification on my part is needed to understand the above!
HELP! (& THX!)
Steverino10 in SF
I've been using/enjoying Zorin since just before Microsoft pulled the plug on Win98 (so late Feb 2014), & I've never not even once had any virus/malware/trojan problem using my Zorin, before now. But I now apparently do, & don't have a clue as to how to fix it (since my hd is not seen nor accessible to even run some antivirus on it)!
So I am now booting only from my USB (original installation files for Zorin), & I am able to access the Internet, hence this post; however, it will not allow me to (re)load the installation on my hd, since the program/my laptop cannot see/access my C:drive at all (& the PC won't boot to C:, w/or w/o using the USB; it only just gives me a grey screen & top left blinking cursor, & also, sometimes, w/a flickering on/off caps lock key (?!); & the Zorin main menus don't show anything but the contents of my USB, not my Zorin partition, nor the "640MB [or whatever amt] Volume" (which was my Win98 partition, w/all my saved files, etc.)!
Pls let me know if I've left out needful info, or if further clarification on my part is needed to understand the above!
HELP! (& THX!)
Steverino10 in SF