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Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:19:48 pm
I have been test driving Linux OS's, and I'd love to try Zorin. I have been successful formatting a 16gb usb drive in FAT32 (and also with NTFS), downloading .iso files, and imaging them to the usb drive. This boots reliably on a Dell netbook that needs a zippier OS. Unfortunately, using this exact same procedure with both the 32 bit and 64 bit Zorin .iso files, the netbook does not recognize the usb drive, and boots straight to Windows 7. When I image the LXLE, Crunchbang, or Mint .iso files back onto the same usb drive, it boots successfully just as before. Can you help me?
Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:27:22 pm
1. Welcome!
2. Please refrain from posting in the wrong section - you have been given a gentle nudge!
Is there anyway you can install any GNU/Linux to your machine? Once you have done that the best USB .iso tool is MultiSystem which only runs on GNU/Linux installs - formats your stick to FAT32 and puts GRUB on your memory stick - Zorin works with this: ... 5623.shtmlTutorial video (which I nedd to redo - at the weekend if I have time!):