Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:42:16 pm
I recently installed the zorin OS9 core version, which I really liked, but the video was extremely choppy and nothing I could do fixed it. I had an older computer lying around so I decided to install zorin OS9 lite to see how different it was from Zorin OS9 core. Not only was it similar, I discovered it played youtube videos without any choppiness! I'm very happy. The only thing I've discovered so far that Core could do and Zorin lite can't (or at least, I can't) is create an extended desktop. Instead, ifyou connect a separate monitor, all you can get is a mirrored desktop. It would be very helpful to have an extended desktop, but I'm sticking with the lite version no matter what, because watching videos is more important. But if someone knows a way to get the extended desktop to work in zorin os9 lite, I'd be very appreciate. Thanks.