Hi, no screenshot - that could be because you are using Firefox (which the odd thing is I can use Firefox on this forum for screenshots in Windows!!!) or Midori (or Chrome? - never used it!).
Install Opera Browser from the Browser Chooser Manager (Menu | Internet).
I would try and install the following to play with (I suspect your issues might be with the Themes - this is a Gnome 3 issue talked about extensively on other sites concerning Gnome3 DE).
1. Install 'gnome-color-chooser' from the Terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+ T or Menu | Accessories | Terminal):
- Code:
sudo apt-get install gnome-color-chooser
(You will be asked for your login password to give you root (administrator) priveleges - but you won't see any dots or asterisks so be sure you enter your password correctly - you are given three attempts to do so before you get kicked back as a normal user.)
2. Install 'Gtk.ch' - gtk Theme Changer - Look for this in Synaptic Package Manager:
Menu | System Tools | Administration - or just enter 'synaptic' in the search bar of the Windows 7 menu - it will be the only app that gets returned - then search for gtk ch. - Mark it for installation, then 'Apply'
Have fun!