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Search Feature


Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:34:01 am

Does this feature work at all? I have tried it numerous times with few words and many words and all I ever get is a screen with no results. There are two blue bars with the words INFORMATION in one and 'NO_SEARCH' in the other one. FAQ's says advanced search is available on every page but I have yet to see it.


Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:53:04 pm

Is this in respect of the forum search?


Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:41:18 pm

Exactly. I have tried searching within different topic groups. I don;t know what else to do except ask any question I need help with.


Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:54:39 pm

OK, Fire away - we will try to help the best we can! :D


Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:58:52 pm

Sorry I'm so slow. First what is the best way to disable windows snapping to panel when minimized? I hate it.


Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:21:37 am


that is caused by Compiz, see here for more details:

Install compizconfig-settings-manager if you don't have it installed!.

In a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t) with the following command:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Hope it helps. :D
CompizConfig Settings Manager_005.jpg


Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:33:17 pm

I installed it and left everything in it unchecked. My windows still snap. Even after a restart.


Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:28:07 pm


firstly try this terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t) command and then restart and see if the problem persisits:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f

If it doesn't work and you don't want Compiz anyway, remove it (Compiz) with this command:

sudo apt-get remove compiz

What graphics card do you have and have you installed any drivers?.

Let us know if this helps. :D


Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:18:05 pm

I don't know how close Zorin is to Ubuntu - I understood compiz to be integrated (in Ubuntu) and that removing it could lead to major issues (unstable DE) - can't remember where I read it! :D


Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:38:14 am

No good. I unchecked some some deeper options in Compiz too. Why does it snap? Openbox windows manager doesn't have this feature. There has be an additonal program or script built in to Zorin.

My computer is an Asus EB1007. Atom Processor D4xx/D5xx/N4xx/N5xx Integrated Graphics Controller. No new drivers installed.


Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:43:02 am

When I uninstalled Compiz via terminal it said it wasn't installed but it still shows up in my menu and I can bring it up.


Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:49:02 pm

OK, first try this and a warning - DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK! :!:

1. Go to Menu | System Tools | System Monitor - look for any thing running in processes that says Compiz - right-click the process and 'kill it'

2. Check up on 'Startup Applications' which should be under Menu | System Tools | Preferences - and if Compiz is showing, uncheck it.

3. Launch Synaptic Package Manager - Menu | System Tools | System Administration | Synaptic Package Manager - and in the little 'search box' near top middle and search for 'Compiz' - check all the named packages that show - right-click each one and select 'Mark for complete removal' - following this (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!) you may end up with a non-working installation of Zorin! :shock:


Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:25:38 pm


I also think you would be better off using the Lite version of Zorin with an Atom CPU!.

Download the Lite version here:

See also:



Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:15:46 pm

For the forum feature to work, you have to be logged in, or you did the last time I tried to use it.


Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:50:46 pm

Linx wrote:For the forum feature to work, you have to be logged in, or you did the last time I tried to use it.

Even logged in as a Moderator it does not search smoothly! ;)


Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:44:45 am

With a reinstallation and some tinkering I stopped windows snapping. But my software updater is broken. When I check install updates from 'important security updates' and then enter my password it always unchecks.I don't want to download useless bloat. Is there a fix? Or a better update manager?


Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:50:13 pm

Hi, I think it is a bug in synaptic? Just make sure your updates are pointing to the Main Server and you should still get all your security updates. It has occurred in previous iterations of Zorin but it does not prevent essential stuff from being installed. Hope this helps. :D