Hi, we will try and get you sorted - Wolfman is the best person for pointing you in the right direction - and as an aside whilst even your Chromebook can print, Google may also be aware of what you've been printing!
Just to add, don't blame GNU/Linux, blame printer manufacturers, like Brother that don't support GNU/Linux very well at all - if in the future you intend to replace your printer for whatever reason, I would advise HP as they have the best GNU/Linux support out there, followed by Canon.
First off, lets install 'gdebi' if it is not already installed - open that window you don't like to look at and enter:
- Code:
sudo apt-get install gdebi
This should install Gdebi Package Installer under System Tools.
Now go to that .deb package, right-click and select - 'Open with ...' and choose 'Gdebi' - it will inform you if all dependencies are met. If everything is OK the install button should not be greyed out - click on 'Install' - if it goes ok you should then get a 're-install' button appear below the 'install' button.
Next to deal with the .gz package - open that black window again and this time:
- Code:
sudo apt-get install alien
'alien' only works at command line (black window) level but will convert packages into .deb packages. But first, extract the files in the .gz archive with 'Archive Manager' then go into the newly created folder, select all files and recompress as tar.gz archive and copy/move it to your Desktop.
In that black window type:
- Code:
cd Desktop
now enter
- Code:
to list all files on your desktop - make sure you can see the newly created .tar.gz compressed folder listed. Now:
- Code:
sudo alien linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.tar.gz
- you should see a newly created folder called linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.deb appear with a red circle and white cross in it - do not be alarmed! Right-click and selece 'Open with ...' gdebi. - make sure your printer is connected and switched on throughout the process.
Now from the black box once more:
- Code:
sudo system-config-printer
Now the graphical printers selection appears - click on add, go to the Brother section and look for the driver you have just installed.
Keep us posted!