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(SOLVED) Installing Brother printer drivers Ubuntu


Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:24:19 pm

I am about to uninstall Zorin but I want to give it one more chance, as I am not too eager to return to Vista, if someone would please explain to me how to install the drivers for my Brother DCP-J140W printer/scanner.
I have both driver packages from the Brother website: linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.gz and dcpj 140wcupswrapper-1.1.3-6.i386.deb.
I have found several how to's, on the internet like this one: about installation of these drivers but none of it works (only I am fed up with that awfull black window that only understands some boyscouts secret language :evil: )
Perhaps I dont get the procedure right so if someone would teach me it has to be very detailed :|
A computer that cannot print is a joke; even my Chromebook can print!


Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:01:32 am

Hi, we will try and get you sorted - Wolfman is the best person for pointing you in the right direction - and as an aside whilst even your Chromebook can print, Google may also be aware of what you've been printing! :mrgreen: Just to add, don't blame GNU/Linux, blame printer manufacturers, like Brother that don't support GNU/Linux very well at all - if in the future you intend to replace your printer for whatever reason, I would advise HP as they have the best GNU/Linux support out there, followed by Canon.

First off, lets install 'gdebi' if it is not already installed - open that window you don't like to look at and enter:

sudo apt-get install gdebi

This should install Gdebi Package Installer under System Tools.

Now go to that .deb package, right-click and select - 'Open with ...' and choose 'Gdebi' - it will inform you if all dependencies are met. If everything is OK the install button should not be greyed out - click on 'Install' - if it goes ok you should then get a 're-install' button appear below the 'install' button.

Next to deal with the .gz package - open that black window again and this time:

sudo apt-get install alien

'alien' only works at command line (black window) level but will convert packages into .deb packages. But first, extract the files in the .gz archive with 'Archive Manager' then go into the newly created folder, select all files and recompress as tar.gz archive and copy/move it to your Desktop.

In that black window type:

cd Desktop

now enter

to list all files on your desktop - make sure you can see the newly created .tar.gz compressed folder listed. Now:

sudo alien linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.tar.gz
- you should see a newly created folder called linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.deb appear with a red circle and white cross in it - do not be alarmed! Right-click and selece 'Open with ...' gdebi. - make sure your printer is connected and switched on throughout the process.

Now from the black box once more:

sudo system-config-printer
Now the graphical printers selection appears - click on add, go to the Brother section and look for the driver you have just installed.

Keep us posted! :D


Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:46:43 pm


go here: ... all&os=128

and start by downloading the top 2 packages (Printer Driver Section) to your downloads folder, now working on the assumption that you have a 32 bit PC, only download the 32 bit packages which are in the list under the top 2 packages which are for the printer drivers, in the 2nd section (Scanner Drivers), there are 2 packages, scanner driver and scan key tool, both of which are 32 bit, if you need the 64 bit packages, download the other 2!.

Install each package with a right click and open Gdebi (Gnome Deb Package Installer) as Swarf has already suggested!. :D

You might want to install the package "xsane" too!.

sudo apt-get install xsane

You can also open Synaptic and type "brother" in search and it will show you a list of available brother driver packages but I didn't see your model listed, you can also switch on the printer and open System Settings > Hardware > Printers > Add and see if it will auto install your printer!:

Synaptic Package Manager _011.jpg


Hope it helps!. :D


Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:57:38 am

Thank you in advance to both of you; it will take me some time to study this and hopefully make it work. Apart from the printing thing Zorin works perfectly for me and I would hate to drop it!


Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:44:46 am

The scanner drivers were easy; no problem :D The crupswrapper however refused to install and GDebi came up with big red letters: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable dcpj140wlpr. :(
The linux brdriver extracted easily but the extracted file could not be opened: Archive Manager said: Could not open "linux brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1" But when right clicking on it the menu showed a compress option and clicking on that one created the tar.gz file witch was easily converted to a deb file and then easily installed :D
I can find all tree files in Synaptics and they are apparently ok; but are they?
Trying to add a printer nothing has changed it is as if the newly installed drivers do not exist!

Thank you again to you guys that you have the patience to bother with this; thanks to you my relationship with the black hole and the witchcraft terminology has somewhat improved ;)

Kindest regards


Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:41:10 pm


take a look at this page: ... &type3=561

Let us know how you get on. :D


Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:18:14 pm

I have tried that one and it does work until terminal ask for LPR driver. I cannot find that LPR driver anywhere. It did install the cupswrapper though but it was broken!
I have also tried to install the linux-brdriver according to the Brother website instructions but it ends with terminal claiming it cannot find the file and ask for confirmation of model name all in big red letters.
Terminal is extremely case (and everything else) sensitive and if you dont have the exact spelling, case, space and what do I know, you can go on forever with different combinations.
As I understand it from the Brother website the linux-brdriver should cover it all and it is installed but have no effect!


Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:21:48 am


run the following terminal commands in order and see if you can run the printer by adding it in the Control Center > Hardware > Add Printer. (After a full system restart once the commands have been run!)

sudo dpkg --configure -a


sudo apt-get install -f


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f


Let us know if this helps. :D


Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:30:17 pm

I connect to a printer on a Windows 7 machine - need to reset up after installing Zorin 9 64-bit - you should be able to just point to the printer using something similar to windows - and I have forgotten how I did it! (LPRPrintServer\Canon - can't remember if IP address is needed - mnine is router/hub) - can you enter anything like that for your Brother Printer


Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:19:41 pm

I went through the process that Wolfman suggested above; it sure added something that was missing but I had to re-install the linux-brdriver-installer following the instruction on the Brother website and voila the printer woke up and is now printing wireless as it should :) but something went wrong with the scanning part (that package "linux-brdriver-installer" contains everything for a large number of Brother printers) I dont know exactly what but at the end of the process I was asked for an IP address to connect the scanner and I may have given it a wrong number.

Perhaps I could re-configure, or something, the scanner part? But then I need some magic words sudo etc. for Terminal. Can you help me with that?

Thank you to both of you, we now know, or more precise Wolfman know, about "something" that has to be added to Zorin for this Brother package to work. :)


Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:18:08 pm


try installing xsane (scanner app) if you don't already have it installed, it may well pull in any missing dependencies!.

sudo apt-get install xsane

Have you run the printer via a USB cable and does that work for you?. :D Did you run any setup whilst connected with a USB cable or did you only do it wirelessly?. always setup yor printer with a cable first and then wirelessly!. :D

You might want to bookmark this page too for future reference should you want a manual: ... pj140w_all


Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:04:22 pm

Hi, all I could find so far is this post in Kubuntu forum: ... post322392


Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:39:08 pm

Ok back to work, I was not sure about cable or not so I installed it without cable. All the packages are visible in Synaptics and marked with green (wonder what that means) should I delete them first?


Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:48:12 pm

If marked in green it means those packages are installed! :D


Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:33:21 am

Thank you Swarf; Such apparently insignificant information is very valuable.


Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:02:03 pm

I deleted the packages in Synaptics and re-installed with the cable plugged in; I also reinstalled xsane but nothing changed. With the cable unplugged xsane say: "No device available" with the cable plugged in it search for a while and come up with this message: "failed to open device brother4:bus8;dev1': invalid argument".
If I try scanning from the printer without cable the printer say "check connection" with cable plugged in it say "Connecting to PC" and after a while it gives up.
Printing works fine.


Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:13:44 pm


leave the printer plugged in and remove it with the printer tool in System Settings, then restart and add the printer again while it is connected WITH A USB CABLE!.

See if that helps. :D


Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:05:49 pm

Yes I re-installed with a USB cable. I have also tried to remove the printer restart and add it again as you suggested. The results were the same as I described above. It refuse to scan.
I have again re-installed but this time for use with a USB cable plugged in: Same results only the printer will of course not print when I unplug the cable.
I have also tried turning off the Firewall. The problem seems to be peculiar to Zorin?


Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:26:50 pm


did you install "Xsane" per my suggestion earlier?.

I cannot really make any comment about a Brother printer as I don't have one, I always use HP myself as they are very easy to install/maintain under Linux!.

Have a look at this thread, it might give you an idea:



Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:50:56 pm

I have installed and re-installed xsane.
This Brother package is supposed to cover several hundred Brother printer and fax models; and it apparently does so in Ubunto! So there must be a problem with Zorin. You yourself Wolfman pulled a trick that opened up for the printing side of things :)
Is there any Zorin engineers around?


Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:23:16 pm


assuming you still have all the packages you downloaded from Brother, remove the printer with the System Settings tool and then un-install everything you can find in Synaptic relating to Brother and right click and mark for "Complete removal", once done; restart and start from scratch USING A USB CABLE. Don't forget to check Xsane too!.

That's all I can suggest!. :D


Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:56:33 am

I can run xsane in terminal "sudo xsane" as sugested in Ubunto forums it works fine :) apart from the scary warnings >:o
It seems to be a bug that nobody has done anything about for years? Or perhaps I just could not find the solution. If anyone should bump into a solution please tell me!


Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:08:58 pm

I can also scan from terminal with "gksudo simple-scan". Something is blocking the normal way of doing things!


Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:37:18 pm


if you can use the scanner with "sudo", it might just be that you aren't listed in the "Scanner Group"?, install the package "gnome-system-tools" which you will find in:

Zorin Menu > System Tools > Admin > Users & Groups > Advanced Settings > User Privileges > Use scanners

sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools

Check that you are in the groups you require!.

Change Advanced User Settings_003.jpg


Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:52:26 pm

It did not change anything although I now have privileges for everything in the list.
When I scan with xsane using the terminal I cannot open the document (sometimes it say "Permission denied" sometimes "Failed to open input stream for file" it looks like more "privileges" are needed.
With simple scan (using terminal and "sudo") everything apparently works fine. But its not the right way of doing things is it?
Its a damned bug and lots of people are complaining about it not only those with Brother machines.

Kind regards


Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:22:23 am

Changing ownership of the folder containing the files scanned via Terminal: sudo chown -R username foldername removes the white crosses/red circle and gives you full access to the scanned files.

But it is not the regular way to scan documents! There must be a solution to this problem out there?


Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:17:59 am

The seach in Terminal "sudo sane-find-scanner" do not register my scanner. According to a Sane manual found in Terminal: "man sane-usb" xsane can only work, via USB cable, with something called "libusb 0.1.6" or newer. The "libusb" I found in Synaptics is 0.1.4 ? apparently insufficient? I think we deserve to hear from some Zorin designer, or other??


Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:52:05 pm

Just be aware that Sane is an independent project, not part of Zorin - most applications are made up of different projects and nothing to do with Zorin - they customise and 'skin' the DE. The other issues relate to Kernels - and will depend on what libraries will work with any given kernel release - so it could be a kernel release error which Linus Torvalds has not spotted? Or ubuntu have done something! :D


Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:12:38 pm

Yes I am aware that Sane is an independent project but as I understand the instructions in "man sane-usb" the OS should be born with "libusb" and so Zorin is but it is an outdated version and it cannot be installed at a later date.
The Zorin that I have installed is supposed to be the latest but the "libusb" I find in Synaptics is apparently outdated? Confusing!


Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:15:27 pm


do you have your software sources set to "Main", if you do and it isn't working for you, change the software sources download location, see this guide:



Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:34:42 pm

Thank you Wolfman; thats a lot of very good information :)


Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:32:58 pm

Hi webesteen,

is this solved yet?. :D


Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:12:42 pm

No it is not; it looks like it ts a bug that hits rather sporadically and that nobody has a solution for. It also happens when people update Ubuntu and with all kinds of scanners.
There are some apparently qualified instructions, concerning this problem but partly it dosent work or/and I dont understand them. ( In my opinion a major problem in the world of Linux is that people are not very explicit)
I can describe the problem though: "I CAN ONLY SCAN AS ROOT" and Sane do not recognize the existence of the scanner at the command in terminal "sudo sane-find-scanner".

But anyway I can print and I can scan :) And if scanning by using terminal does no harm the problem is a bit academic. But it does make me curious!


Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:56:57 pm

Wolfman wrote:Hi,

run the following terminal commands in order and see if you can run the printer by adding it in the Control Center > Hardware > Add Printer. (After a full system restart once the commands have been run!)

sudo dpkg --configure -a


sudo apt-get install -f


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f


Let us know if this helps. :D

Hi webesteen,

try running the above 3 commands again and see if that helps at all!. :D


Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:15:08 pm

Hi Wolfman
No; sorry; no change :roll: All three scanner aps recognize the difference between a cable plugged in and unplugged but they cannot make contact. Something with the USP config?

I like Zorin anyway :D I will keep searching.

Kind regards and thank you; all suggestions welcome!


Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:24:35 pm


take a look here and maybe have a look at the bottom Additional information links, I don't have a Brother printer so it is a bit difficult for me to assist you!: ... ersBrother


Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:28:30 am

I found this too which looks really interesting and might give you an idea or two, there might be links leading elsewhere for you!: ... er-printer


Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:28:31 am

Thank you Wolfman! I will study it.


Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:30:49 am

Under "SOLUTION" this guy claim to have a solution to this problem: ... bug/478761

The "Problem" is that I have no idea what he is talking about! Point 1 I understand and I have, in my case "brscan 4", installed.
Then comes point:
"2) Add the following two lines in /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules, under line 40 (LABEL="libsane_usb_rules_begin"): " ??????? Add how where?

And then follows:
"# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
What am I to do with this? What does that hashtag mean?

Plugging in and not restarting I can understand :)


Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:25:57 pm


try the command "lsusb" as answer 14 on that link said that running that command setup the scanner for him?.


Also look at answer 10.

The file you need to edit is located: Nautilus > Computer > lib > udev > rules.d > 40-libsane.rules

You might want to open that file with root privileges, in a terminal type the following:

gksudo nautilus

Try that. :D


Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:34:27 pm

Problem solved: :D I used the instructions is this link instead because it tells you exactly and precisely where to write your edit and what to write: ... s-not-work

If the drivers are installed you only need to follow the first step. It will open the document that you have to edit. " #Brother scanner" was in my case "Brother DCP-J140W" without the quotation marks. The place to edit was in my case at the bottom of the document.
Big Thank You's to Wolfman and Swarf :D

Follow these steps to get your scanner working.

1) do the following:

-press: Alt+F2

-type this: gksu gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules

-add the following lines BEFORE where it says "# The following rule will disable"

# Brother scanner
ATTRS {idVendor}=="04f9", ENV {libsane_matched}="yes"


Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:05:55 pm

I forgot: It is necessary to RESTART :)


Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:35:48 pm

Nice one, got there in the end.

Have marked as solved!. :D


Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:10:01 am

A suggestion: Perhaps the title of this thread should be changed so as to leave out the name of this specific printer so that it will show up in more searches? As I understand it problems with many different scanners can be solved in this way !


Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:16:15 pm

webesteen wrote:A suggestion: Perhaps the title of this thread should be changed so as to leave out the name of this specific printer so that it will show up in more searches? As I understand it problems with many different scanners can be solved in this way !

You are very welcome to write a thread for the 'How-tos and Tutorials' section! ;)


Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:18:39 pm

Thanks for the invitation! When I have sort of digested this oneI will think about it! Btw I may be back in a month time with a Canon printer on another Zorin OS machine! :)


Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:26:11 pm

Hi webesteen,

for Canon printers; go here and see the printing section (Canon Printers) and use the "Canon Asia" link!:


I will edit the title of this thread as you requested!. :D


Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:04:42 pm

Thank you Wolfman :)
Kind Regards


Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:31:23 am