you will need to change the permissions of the "" file to make it executable.
Right click on the file > properties > permissions > Check the box saying "Allow executing file as program"
Then double click it and it should run, you may have to select "run in terminal" and it shouold install.
the other program "copy" on the other hand will need to be "compiled" from from your .tgz (unless they are doing something fancy)
First you need to extract the files, the easiest way to do this is going to be to open terminal ( ctrl+alt+t )
you will need to change to the directory to where you downloading the file
If you downloaded it to the downloads folder it would be like this
- Code:
cd Downloads
then I suggest you create a new directory for contain the soon to be extracted files.
- Code:
mkdir extracting
Then copy the .tgz file to the new folder
- Code:
cp ./Copy- ./extracting
Then you will need to change into the extracting folder
- Code:
mv extracting
Now to actually start extracting
- Code:
tar -xvzf Copy-
Then assuming this is source code you can normally compile with the following.
- Code:
sudo make install
and you will be prompted for your password after that.
That is assuming you have all the needed libs that you will need to be able to compile, this is somewhat unlikely, but you can try it and i you get any errors post back with the results of the following commands.
- Code:
Or you have option B,to try doing this. ... g-softwareWhich is
- Code:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paolorotolo/copy
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install copy
That should help us help you =]