Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:34:25 am
I have been having problems with my pc using the Zorin OS 9 64-bit installed. After spending some time, the computer freezes so that the only thing to do is to turn off the computer or press the reset button (Windows-style).
I reviewed various logs (syslog, auth.log, dpkg.log, Xorg.0.log) and can not find a clue that allows me to visualize what may be the error.
The computer is used for web development and overall Internet browsing. Something characteristic is presented, more frequently, when using the web browser (chromiun / firefox). Sometimes it happens to be working in other applications.
My computer has the following configuration:
Memory: 4 Gb
Processor: Intel Core i3-3240 CPU @ 3.40GHz x 4
Graphics: Intel Desktop ivybridge
OS Type: 64-bit
See you 3.13.0-62-generic
Disk: 160 Gb
Dell Monitor 22 in.
Attached you can find a picture of the crash and the /var/log directory. Last crash 08/20/2015 17:57
I wonder how you can help solve this annoying situation.
Thanks in advance,
Carlos Gil