yaba-daba-doh wrote:Yep - I've been to Noobslab site getting some stuff for my copy of Unity. Wasn't sure if I could do the same for Zorin. How about the Gnome Look.org? And, are there any other links?
Gnome-look.org themes come in tarballed archives, for example some of the Azenis themes are in tar.bz2 format.
What I do with these is to extract with Archive manager, then re-archive as .tar.gz then use 'alien' to convert to .deb file and install the themes that way.
The alien command is (after you have installed it with
- Code:
sudo apt-get install alien
from a terminal or search for it using Synaptic Package Manager (Menu | System Tools | Administration | Synaptic Package Manager).
Then in a terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+ T):
- Code:
sudo alien [name of tar.gz package]
This will create a .deb package which you can install with the Software Centre/er or better yet 'gdebi' - which you may need to install if not yet present.
As a cursory reminder to all, you should always inspect archives before unpacking - Gnome-look did have a bad package once they let slip through that would wipe the OS completely if unpacked.
See my post here: