Hi, If I understand you correctly you are wanting to use the 'Digital Send' function that would be normally present under Windows - this will not be available and as in other areas this is down to the hardware manufacturer not providing such software that is compatible with GNU/Linux - remember all 'Branded' products use 'proprietary' software which is geared to Windows (/Mac) - we get the lowest possible denominator as GNU/Linux users - which is not a fault of GNU/Linux.
You need to download the full HPLip application and Toolbox - see this page for download link:
http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/mo ... c_750.htmlThe only solution would be to scan the document and save the captured image and then attach to email in the usual way - launch your preferred mail client, attach file etc.
Hope this makes things clearer!
[Footnote: Zorin 9 is based on Ubuntu 14.04 so your device is supported to run under GNU/Linux - but not necessarily as you want it to!]