firejack wrote:
Obsidian1723 wrote:I know I harp on this a lot, but are you not running the LTS (3.1) version of Zorin OS? If you are using Zorin 4, it's based on Ubuntu 10.10, Zorin 5 on 11.04, neither of which are LTS / Stabe versions of Ubuntu > Zorin OS.
I've Zorin 5, 64 bits verison
maybe a stupid question, but what is a LTS?
and is there a way to eneble my beloved floating cube again?
No question is stupid.
LTS = Long Term Support release. Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu, therefore it follows the same paradigm.
Ubuntu releases a new LTS every 2 years and the desktop version has 3 years of support and the server version has 5 years of support. LTS releases get updated with "point" releases aka 10.04LTS is the inital release, followed by .1 .2 .3 and then .4 a few months before the next LTS release. Right now, Ubuntu 10.04.3LTS is the current Ubuntu LTS release.
Every 6 months, Ubuntu releases unstable versions as testing out new code and features for Ubuntu's next LTS release. All Ubuntu releases come out in April and October. The first number in the release is the year, so 10.04 is Year 2010 (10) and April (04), thus 10.04. 8.04 is an LTS, 10.04 is the currrent LTS and the next LTS will be 12.04. In between 8.04LTS and 10.04LTS came 8.10, 9.04, 9.10. These 3 versions do not have as long of support as an LTS and the code is tested a lot less than it is for an LTS because by the time an LTS is pushed out the door, it's had 2 years of work on it already.
So now that 10.04 is out and it is the current LTS, the NON-LTS versions, and the current UNstable versions are, 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10.
ANY Linux distro which is based on Ubuntu has these same stability/instability support time lines as well.
Zorin OS 3.0 is based on Ubuntu 10.04LTS
Zorin OS 3.1 is based on Ubuntu 10.04.3LTS <--this is the one to get.
Zorin OS 4.0 is based on Ubuntu 10.10
Zorin OS 5.0/5.1 is based on Ubuntu 11.04
Zorin OS 6.0 will most likely be based on Ubuntu 11.10
Zorin OS comes from Ubuntu and Ubuntu comes from Debian.
Debian is developed in 3 stages and the code is pulled from 3 repositories...
debian-unstable - the newest, wettest code - which when fixed, graduates to the next stage....
debian-testing - Not quite stable, but better than debian-uunstable
debian-stable - this is where Debian releases come from.
Debian releases rarely and oftne has older software versions in it, but it's tock solid stable.
Ubuntu LTS pulls from debian-testing (and by proxy, so does Zorin OS LTS since it's based on Ubuntu LTS)
Ubuntu NON-LTS pulls from debian-unstable (and so does Zorin OS's NON-LTS versions)
It's called "Debian-UNSTABLE" for a reason. That reason being, it's UNSTABLE.