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How to optimaize computer using Zorin 8 Lite


Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:39:10 pm

If the computer has limited resources and low performance, so that there have to use Zorin 8 Lite instead of Core or Ultimate versions, how to optimal way use the existing resources. First decision is whether Windows is totally removed or is there a need for running Windows software. Dual boot from HDD may be too heavy load to a small HDD. There is few alternatives to overcome this, either removing Windows and installing Wine to the Zorin 8 Lite or using a persistent USB live Dual boot installation of Zorin 8 Lite keeping only Windows XP on the HDD. A compressed Zorin 8 Lite takes only ca. 900 Mb space in the USB but ca. 3Gb when installed as extracted on HDD.

Second thing is to decide what additional software is needed. Zorin 8 Lite's basic setup of application software is very reduced and some installed applications there are not on the acceptable level of performance. Some applications like Abi Word does not satisfy a prewious MSWord user. Then there is a possibility to install Libre Office that takes additional space from memory or to use the Google Drive as on line office applications. Also in other applications there are alternative solutions for on line use available. Here is a link to one possibility to get good UI to those applications. ... -Metro-Lap

Next thing to decide where all data is stored. If internal HDD is overloaded so the optimal way to store the data is to use some external location for that purpose. The solution may be a external HDD or a USB Flash drive as a home directory in the USB or the use of a cloud to keep data stored. Further on, there might be also some software installed on the Zorin 8 Lite os. or in Windows that you don,t need so if that is installed on HDD, so it can be removed to make free space onto the HDD.

These might be the applicable solutions to keep an old optimized computer still going.