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How to install personal computing environments


Sat May 17, 2014 3:30:52 pm

Here is a practical guide how to make a personal computing environment to all users, using the same computer.

Until now it has been given that all family members use the same operating system and its configuration or alternatively have to have their own computers, if they want to have more personalized environment to computing. A full installation of a operating system to an USB Flash drive gives huge more possibilities to install and configure personal computing environments. Every user can have its own setup of software and have their own home directories to save personal data.

The basic installation can be a desktop with ie. a Windows 7 os. installed to the internal HDD and with an external HDD that can be used for data storing from all (commonly used os and data storage). Then there could be personal Linux installed to personal USB Flash Drives with their own home directories for personal data storing. Depending how big USB drive is used, from 10 Gb to 120 Gb and even more.

This is the same as dual boot installation, however having the additional possibility to the personal computing in the Linux environment.

The os. can be the same or some other distro configured for every user's personal needs and minds. This helps that anybody needs not to satisfy to one and only os. and configuration even if the same hardware is used for computing.

Look also this to select an USB Flash Drive for full install of an operating system.

The computer has to have possibility to boot from the USB port and the boot loaders have to be installed to the USB Flash drives that all those operating systems can be started from the BIOS' boot selection.