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Save update installers with apt-offline


Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:21:55 am

This may be of use to those who are setting up many computers with Zorin-OS, or who may be setting up computers with little or no network access.

If you are installing Zorin-OS on a computer that has limited network access, and the 400 MB of updates are a burden to download, you can use apt-offline to generate a signature file with a list of the desired updates. This file can be taken to a networked computer running Ubuntu and apt-offline, and the update install files can be downloaded there. These files can then be carried back to the un-connected computer and installed.

I was helping several people set up Zorin-OS, and they told me that the updates would take too long for them to download, so I downloaded them once, and then let them copy the .deb files to USB drives to take home. ... onnection/
This page describes the process

Also, I wrote a description at


Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:51:27 am

that way, would be easier than try to use the AptOnCd software.
- which does the same thing, - but can have issues.